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I have hundreds of hours of video of Cliff tattooing naked. Think they'll license that?

When the jock douchebags who'll likely be the first wave to wear the Raven line (Cause Ed Hardy and Jerry are SO last year) start showing up at the mall, I'll post it on the Huffington post...

"Wait.. he was a tattooer AND a homo? Man, I'll go back to Abecrombie and Fitch!".


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Hahaha! Great shit Shawn!

But on a serious note. How many mainstream people even have heard of mister Raven? Whats the point of the wine etc? WHY?

Most people in the maintream hadn't heard of Sailor Jerry or Ed Hardy either- the point is that someone realizes that 'old school' tattoo culture=big bucks. How they got the rights to Cliff's imagery and name is something I'd like to find out more about...

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Yeah, it dawned to me when I thought about it. Its... Like looking in the eyes of an honest whore.

edit. Of course now someone who is well respect will come here, put me on my place and then I can snivel like a payed woman and say "of course YOU are different! LOVE your work person X" ;)

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Cliff won't be talkin' from the grave that's for sure.

Haha! Yeah sorry about that, I meant to say if "they" say anything, as in whoever's licensing this. I still like to think someone will be doing this because they genuinely want to get great tattooer's stuff "out there", and don't realise that those in tattooing don't really like it. It's a pipe dream, but I'll stick with optimism.

Anyway, I'm off to edit that post and refrain from saying anything after 3AM from now on before I look like a real idiot.

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its a sorry state of affairs..ive dealt with this entire process from the word go,, Investors calling the shop wanting to buy the rest of Cliffs flash to half wit designers asking for opinions, to me screaming at all of them..its a lost cause. the only good that came out of it is that Erik Gillespie and I where able to obtain all of Cliffs personal tattoo photos, family photos, letters, awards and tattoo portfolios because they didnt think they could make money off of it,,the flash that they have is pretty amazing though

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