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Hi I am looking for some advice please. I got this tattoo on my leg as it is part of a leg sleeve about 4 weeks ago, seemed to be healing well at first but then after a week or so I noticed raised bumps on my skin, AB97FFE1-3872-44F3-A830-81D0964E069C.thumb.jpeg.58741267df78a575bb3f85e9128f804b.jpegI have loads of tattoos and this has never happened before went to the same guy who always tattoos me just wondering what it could be as I have asked him and he is not sure. I have had antibiotics and used hydrocortisone cream as advised by the doctor and that doesn’t seemed to have helped at all Any help would be greatly appreciated 😊

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This has happened to me. Is it REALLY itchy? I had bumps that looked just like that and it was super super itchy. It resolved itself though, no problems since. Whats weird though, is that mine showed up like 2-3 weeks after the session. I just kept washing it and doing the normal routine.

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