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So my longest sitting to date was 4 hours, it was an intricate back piece right between the shoulder blades, and the pain was ok. But now, 20 years later, I have a number health issues that mean that my pain threshold has shifted. A recent chest piece that took no more than an hour was awful. Any advice guys?

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I bet that you're simply 20 years older has a lot to do with it. I've never drank while getting tattooed, just tried to fortify myself physically with a good meal and mentally, well.. as best I can. I've heard a huge range of mixed results as far as painkillers, etc. go.

Good luck!

I'm like a scout when I get tattooed- be prepared! I don't drink a week beforehand, make sure I've eaten well, moisturised my crappy dry skin.. all of that crap. One thing I think you might find useful is paying attention to what you're eating- David Bruehl wrote something recently about this which you might like- if you click here, you'll get to that (hope you don't mind me linking to my site, haha).

Jeez, I had hoped that pain diminished with age - in more ways than one I guess thats not going to happen :confused:

I never thought about what I am eating - I take a lot of fresh juice, fruits and veg, so I will double up on those a week before my next sitting !

Thanks guys

I've mentioned this here before, but a few years back, Bill Salmon told me to get as tattooed as I wanna get now. He told me that it hurts more and takes longer to heal when you're older. I don't doubt him on either point--and he would know!

With this in mind, it kind of gives a new thought to these young kids that are racing to see who can fill up space fastest. Not implying that they are right, they are just making it easier on them selfs in the long run.

I know lots of good tattoo advice has been given in this thread but here are some other LST forum threads on tattoos and pain as well that may be useful:

Most painful spot to get tattooed

Anestetic creams

Pre and post tattoo rituals

Great topic and keep the advice and experiences coming.......

I used to live in Australia with crowd of bikers, the Bandidos. One of them owned a Tattoo Studio, and he had a great quote for anyone who asked if tattoos hurt...

"Those who say it hurts are pussy's, those who say it don't are liars."

Now when I was running with those guys I though I was tough, but life, and love have taught me otherwise.

And I aint no liar lol

Now what was that about vicodin... I take Tramadol for my back - will that work?

I started getting tattooed again after a break of 39 years. I don't find the discomfort too bad. My sternum was another matter. But that area is usually expected to be more painful. So nothing to do with my age just a more sensitive area. My health isn't that great I'm now a fat old bastard with type 2 dabetes.

It's my theory that the pain does intensify with each tattoo that we get. I'm a tattooer though, not a scientist.It's just a theory.

When you experience pain , the body's instinctive reaction should be to remove itself from what is causing the pain. Since we willingly submit to the pain the bodies reaction, when it experiences the same pain - is to increase the intensity of the pain - as a warning or a survival mechanism, whatever---- so that you remove yourself from what is causing the pain.

So I think whether you get many tattoos in a short time or over a period of years- the last one will hurt way more than the first one or two.

I don't enjoy getting tattooed at all and since coming up with this idea - and believing it- it's difficult for me "to get away" from the pain.

The only thing that helps lately is to get in a sort of meditative state and to change my perception of the sensation.

I can still sit for about 4 hrs but it takes a lot more effort now than it did when i was 22. I used to just go into my own head while i was getting tattooed and sort of daydream and ignore the pain-- that doesnt work anymore. i found initiating a lively conversation with the person tattooing me really helped and made the time fly so i come in prepared with amusing stories now.

Thanks for all the advice guys. I think its going to be lots of rest, a good meal beforehand, and snacks for during, along with a tramadol...for my arthritis, obviously ;)

First tattoo at 16 was a large piece on my upper arm, that was a breeze.

Last long sitting was a large intricate piece between shoulder-blades, meditated through that one without a problem.

Next one is on Wednesday, my wife has been apprenticing under a local guy who has been tattooing for over 20 years. I have offered my legs for her to practice on, under his guidance.

I think a two hours black and grey may turn into four hours.

God, I hope its not too painful :(

I for one dont think that its age. over the years of tattooing people, and im sure many will agree that. it seems like when the biggest badest looking young buck comes for ink. alot of the times its a young healthy man. who turns out to be the biggest pain in the ass. needs a smoke break, then bathroom, then a drink of water etc. i remember after a session from hell that taxed a massive amount of extra time. i sat down with a clip board and pencil. trying to crack the code. so i could spot these people before hand. so the price will be right for the time. this was 20 years ago. i may have failed figuring that out. but i wrote a poem that most tattooers dig.

its called tough customer, and i submitted it online to a contest and won a real nice plaque w/ silver engraved etc.


This tough acting dude walks into my place, telling tall tails, like he was an ace.

i want a tattoo, all black and real big. the small ones look wimpy, but the big ones i dig.

I been every where, ive done every thing, when i come to town, all the bitches would cream.

cuz im big and im burley, and talented too. but if you believe that. then you dont have a clue.

cuz when he was finished,... the talkin part done.

he flinched like a bitch, when i fired my gun.

when he turned to look. his face was all geen. i laughed to myself, and thought oh yeah, you mean.

his sweat was a flowing, his jockies were wet. he was singing the blues fo his home you can bet.

but we made a deal. and the cash was up front. so when he weenied out.

i told him real blunt.

when you want a tattoo. you must be the man. grit your teeth or do what you can.

but since you cant take it and act like you should.

two quarter inch lines never paid so good. jeff etzel

  • 2 years later...

Well, I think this is close enough to an appropriate thread to steal. Ladies, do you find any truth to the "it hurts more to get tattooed during your period and the week before your period? I see this thrown about as random advice because "it's on the internet so it must be true" but is there any truth to it?

Noooooooooooo @SeeSea this is a Bubbleberry thread.

Ok, sorry, I've heard about this "well loved" character so I hereby RETRACT THIS QUESTION!!!

(See, but I DO get props for finding what I THOUGHT was a relevant thread....right?)

NO RESPONSES HERE as per @CultExciter LOL

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