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Considering seeing 'Young Adult' today.

I'm not really a Diablo Cody fan (her ability to make every character sound like a bitter ex stripper gets old) but... there's nothing else playing that I want to see. Hah. Anyone see it? I hear Patton Oswalt is great in it.

Apparently Christopher Nolan has supplied a new 6 minute cut of the teaser for the new Batman movie to some IMAX cinemas in the U.S. It's supposed to have significantly cleaned up the Bane dialogue so that it's easier to hear.

If that's the case then super ... Because I saw it before a screening of MI4 the other day and I couldn't understand every second word he said.

BTW MI4 was even more rubbish than I expected. It didn't even deliver as a brainless diversion for me. Simon Pegg's role seemed to drag the whole thing down to the level of a farce almost from the beginning. Paula Patton looked convincingly brawny but Cruise is starting to look leathery and orange (not in a good way).

I've had 'A Prophet' on DVD for ages but consistently failed to watch it. Off work tomorrow and when I've got various odd jobs out of the way I may get down to it.



I think they left out all the parts that.. had anything to do with Edgar Allan Poe. I guess the upside is that it's obviously not a bio, but c'mon.. a dashing, in-demand, well-connected and famous Edgar Allan? They've obviously done their research.

The Raven - Movie Trailers - iTunes

I think they left out all the parts that.. had anything to do with Edgar Allan Poe. I guess the upside is that it's obviously not a bio, but c'mon.. a dashing, in-demand, well-connected and famous Edgar Allan? They've obviously done their research.

The Raven - Movie Trailers - iTunes

Bloody hell. I don't expect historical accuracy at all, but Poe on a horse firing a gun? Poe was a very interesting person without all this. Not least marrying his 13-year-old cousin.

I saw Young Adult and Patton Oswalt was great in it. So was Charlize Theron, in a different way. I wanted to take every object in my purse and throw it at the screen to make her stop talking it was so cringe- worthy and akward.. So if you enjoy that kind of thing, you'll like it.

Spike Lee is apparently re-making Oldboy. Christian Bale is rumoured for the part of the villain, Clive Owen has said he turned down the role of the main character.

Loved the original. Spike Lee is a great director, so I'm sure he'll do something unusual with this ... But my earlier comments about needless remakes applies here, I think.

Saw 'Mean girls' last night on TV by chance. Actually has some funny moments. Weird to see a non-convict / shoplifter / playboy posing early Lindsey Lohan. Pre-crash and burn.

@ShawnPorter - I was quite surprised by how much I enjoyed Tinker, Tailor, but I totally get your point. Performances in themselves cannot carry a film if the story isn't good. Overall I liked it a lot, despite the end being pretty obvious from the get-go. Mainly I liked the view of how Britain in the early 70s looked much like our view of the early 60s. It wasn't how films usually portray the early-70s, with a glam and Bowie soundtrack. I think it took a foreign director to see that, and Tinker, Tailor had a lot of the atmosphere that Alfredson nailed in Let the Right One In.

@RoryQ - It says a lot that they weren't prepared to remake Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, keeping to the chronology of the trilogy, but instead went straight for the most high-concept story instead. Still, I'm glad it's Spike Lee and not Michael Bay or Ridley Scott, or even worse, Tony Scott.

  • 2 weeks later...
Spike Lee is apparently re-making Oldboy. Christian Bale is rumoured for the part of the villain, Clive Owen has said he turned down the role of the main character.

Loved the original. Spike Lee is a great director, so I'm sure he'll do something unusual with this ... But my earlier comments about needless remakes applies here, I think.

I'm not sure about these re-makes anymore. Girl with a Dragon Tattoo basically bombed, I mean it's made less money than Alvin and the Chipmunks, soo....hopefully people are getting over it.

I was really impressed by the 'style' of Oldboy, in the same way I was impressed by the 'style' of Drive. But when you start to think about the actual plot of Oldboy....

1st act: Gripping and Amazing

2nd act: Hmm...okay....

3rd act: Give me a @#$@# break.

Just watching Neill Marshall's 'Centurion' with Michael Fassbender and Olga Kurylenko again on DVD. I love Marshall's movies... They're like badass updates of the type of movie I used to like watching as a teenager, except with decent actors, scripts and special FX.

Probably his best movie, for me, is still 'Dog Soldiers' - best werewolf movie ever.

I locked myself out of my house (again) the other day, so I excused myself to the movie theater to pass the time till my more responsible fiancee' made it home.

Haywire: Sodeburgh. I really hope he doesn't give up directing to paint.

It was fun. Great action, great cast but...the digital looked really muddy. Either use better quality cameras or shoot film, man.

Underworld: the 3d was great. The movie wasn't mindblowing; if anything it was mostly forgettable save for the style over substance awesomeness.

MI: Ghost Protocol. I like Tom Cruise, even though he's a nutty Scientologist. I was really geeked because this was Brad Bird's (The Incredibles, The Iron Giant) first live action film. 15 mins into the movie I could have told you how it would end. That predictable. The style wasn't enough to justify the lack of substance.

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