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I want to get a sleeve with different meanings on it and idk if it would look weird because of the coloring. Need advice:

Part 1) I want American flag ripping out the skin on my upper arm on the outside

part2) I want some sort of either baseball or a hunting tattoo on the inside of the bicep/ or could complete the American flag around it

part 3) ducks (mallards/shovelers) on my forearm on top and my wrist being the water line and them eatting grass underwater from my hand and fingers. 

Part 4) on the underside of the forearm, something to do with either baseball/ducking hunting/fishing

Since everything has a different color, especially with the American flag, I was wondering if it would look weird or any suggestions anyone would have on this. Anything helps!  Thank you!!

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I could see this working with the right artist.

*Red* white blue, and then for the ducks green brown blue (depending on the type).

I'd be less worried about the colors than the amount of imagery/number of images. Generally less is more. But I could totally see a flag rip on the upper arm, and a duck/water OR baseball scene on the lower. All three on one arm (if I've read you correctly) seems really difficult.

Everything's down to finding the right artist though.

Edited by scottyg
10 hours ago, scottyg said:

Everything's down to finding the right artist though.

Definitely! And it won't be cheap to get it done well either.  Take your time and do lots of research on possible artists.  Make sure that they have examples in their portfolios of similar work.  Done right it could be outstanding, or done poorly a disaster.

23 hours ago, JAC1961 said:

Definitely! And it won't be cheap to get it done well either.  Take your time and do lots of research on possible artists.  Make sure that they have examples in their portfolios of similar work.  Done right it could be outstanding, or done poorly a disaster.

Would it be better to have a duck scene at the time and flag on the forearm?!?

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