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Hi guys. Starting getting some tattoos last month, so far I have 4 small and 1 medium sized tattoo

All of which are meaningful to me. All of which are text ( script ) and one is my star sign. And I had thought about them for a while before getting them.


Is it best to look through my artists portfolio or on the internet ( pinterest ) etc for ideas ?



Edited by VenomX
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I suggest you both try to think about a vision and thinks you want in it or a rough style that you are looking for and Google, Pinterest Instagram and Facebook in order to find artists and the style you like and go through their portofilo and create a vision of tour own.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Depends on what you’re trying to do with them. Connect them for a sleeve... just got new ones like them? Where are they?

Pinterest is great but you never know where they came from. Most artists I know have instagram pages... maybe start there? I know I’m a bit late to the post.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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