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Hi! My name is Suhan and I'm new here. I was looking for tattoo ideas on Google and I came across this forum.

I'm plannig to have my very first tatto so that I'm so excited but the only problem is that I am a person who cannot make an easy decision. (I wont get bored.) I want it to be so special for me. 

I'm interested in ancient gods, nordic/viking cultures, universe, extraterrestrial visitors/gods etc. 

My first idea is to have a tree of life and a nordic sentence from its roots to down vertically on my spine between my scapulas.

Thank you so much

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I wouldn’t recommend having your first tattoo experience be on your back down your spine. That being said, welcome! Do your research on an artist that has done similar work to what you want. Show them some references and don’t rush the process. Try to think about your future plans too and where this tattoo will fit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Couldn't agree more with both of you guys. My first tattoo was extremely meaningful but full black and in the middle of my forearm to cover scars. I still love it but it's in an awkward place and so I won't be able to complete a sleeve unless I get a tattoo around/lasered off.


I would say really take your time and make sure your artist is actually good and don't look for "cheap" artists. 

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you all for your comments. 

It is really long process to decide what to have tattooed. I've choosen The Vegvisir symbol for both style and meaning. My friends told me to place it to back of my leg but I am not sure about it. At the other hand I want some minimal and meaningful tattoo on my left arm. I will let you know if I decide anything else.

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