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hi Guys.

need ur help / advise on this. I got my 1st tattoo last April, pick the wrong artist.. the result is not good. So we decided to cover up after a month with a new artist,, last May I had my cover up it come a bigger piece to cover up the old tat. 

The result was amazing, newly / fresh inked is very bright in color.. however, after 1 week following the aftercare instructions.. peel started and continue to scab, the red color, the rose started to fade.. the color under the scab is light and looks like faded, it has no red ink already. 

Is this normal? Or  part of healing process?imageproxy.php?img=&key=a107a9c0af395ecd,  eventually the color with enchance soon? Ur response is highly appreciated...


Edited by Gray17
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I would have waited longer than a month to do a coverup. Every time you tattoo the skin you are causing trauma. I would give it time to completely heal before you do anything else. If you have this touched up it will be the third time tattooing over the same piece of skin.

The color is unlikely to get darker, but wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks to see what it will look like.

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2 hours ago, Gray17 said:

Hi Hogrider..

Thank you. But everyday, looks like colors are fading including the black and red color.. looks bad. 

How many times the peeling process? I,ve notice large scabbing then now there is a small skin peeling. 


Everybody heals differently. I've had different areas heal differently. Sometimes light peeling, sometimes heavy, sometimes twice. Again, you need to wait 4-6 weeks to see what it's going to look like and I highly recommend you wait a couple of months before any touchup. Give that skin a break.

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