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I'm just looking for some advice/ stories on back pieces.  I have three separate tattoos on my back all done by different artists. They're unrelated in style and subject matter.  I'm hoping I can find an artist to design a tattoo to more or less cover my back while also incorporating what I already have. Does anyone have experience with this? I have some ideas, with what I want, but nothing really concrete. Are artists willing to input any ideas or do they just want it all from you? 

Also, are artists ever willing to section off large pieces and complete a section per sitting? instead of doing like one sitting dedicated to outlines, one for fill/ shading etc? 

These may seem like stupid questions, and I know everyone is different- was hoping to get a little insight before getting everything in motion...

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22 hours ago, Mattie said:

 I know everyone is different

and that is you're answer, really. Some artists will accommodate some/all of the above and others won't. I would recommend that you get some idea of what genre you want and/or artists whose work rings with you - and then visit them for consults. Some will see vision in the puzzle and others won't . . . 

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