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Japanese leg sleeve advice concerning appropriate creature/image combinations

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In the early stages of brain storming a Japanese traditional leg sleeve in color. The images/creatures that I wish to including are a Turtle Dragon, Foo-Dog(s), Oni and Hannya mask. I understand some of these may not jive well with each other and obviously would not include all of the above in the same sleeve. I know what they each represent and what they mean to me, but I am looking for some advice/ideas as to some combinations, scenes, or concepts involving atleast a couple of these creatures/images considering any myths, stories or themes, as well as appropriate filler (such as maple leaves with a hannya for example or waves and flowers)



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If you have a particular artist in mind, I would probably look through all of their work and/or start talking to them about your idea/concept. In addition, you could probably play around with photoshop or any cheap photo editing app and put together stuff and try to come up with something you like? 

My advice here may not match what you like and i'm pretty bad at putting concepts together. 

My favorite artists are: Nicklas Westin, Artemy Neumoin, Jess Yen, and Filip Leu. They've got some nasty work if you haven't already checked them out. 

Where are you located? Choosing an artist and style can also help you think about content. You can do a miss mash of things you like or you can follow a story...it's really up to you.

Check out this thread: 


11 hours ago, kickflipdad said:


In the early stages of brain storming a Japanese traditional leg sleeve in color. The images/creatures that I wish to including are a Turtle Dragon, Foo-Dog(s), Oni and Hannya mask. I understand some of these may not jive well with each other and obviously would not include all of the above in the same sleeve. I know what they each represent and what they mean to me, but I am looking for some advice/ideas as to some combinations, scenes, or concepts involving atleast a couple of these creatures/images considering any myths, stories or themes, as well as appropriate filler (such as maple leaves with a hannya for example or waves and flowers)



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Hi, welcome.

I can't see those four things working together in one leg sleeve. I would guess (and it's only a guess) that the dragon turtle, because it supports things, would work well for the leg, and then the foo dog could be located higher up, on the leg, or better, on the arm, because it guards temples. I can't see them working with oni or hannya masks: they seem completely unrelated ( not religious symbols). They could work with maple leaves, representing autumn, and impermanence, but even here I'm very very hesitant to recommend maple leaves with immovable/permanent objects and ideas like the two you mention.

But you understand the complexity of all this. Part of the beauty of Japanese tattooing is having one or two ideas per body part. This seems to me to be simply too much. You should spread those ideas out over the whole body. Do you have a backpiece? I ask, because in Japanese tattooing that's the centerpiece, from which these other ideas are secondary.

But I'm by nooooo means an expert!!!!! I'd be very interested to hear others' ideas.

Where are you located/who are you thinking about for the artist?


Hi, welcome.
I can't see those four things working together in one leg sleeve. I would guess (and it's only a guess) that the dragon turtle, because it supports things, would work well for the leg, and then the foo dog could be located higher up, on the leg, or better, on the arm, because it guards temples. I can't see them working with oni or hannya masks: they seem completely unrelated ( not religious symbols). They could work with maple leaves, representing autumn, and impermanence, but even here I'm very very hesitant to recommend maple leaves with immovable/permanent objects and ideas like the two you mention.
But you understand the complexity of all this. Part of the beauty of Japanese tattooing is having one or two ideas per body part. This seems to me to be simply too much. You should spread those ideas out over the whole body. Do you have a backpiece? I ask, because in Japanese tattooing that's the centerpiece, from which these other ideas are secondary.
But I'm by nooooo means an expert!!!!! I'd be very interested to hear others' ideas.
Where are you located/who are you thinking about for the artist?

Thank you for the in depth response and advice. Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on cramming all of those into one scene. I do like your idea of the turtle dragon on a leg very much. Considering the hannya/oni would be better saved for another. Body part, and that foo dogs come nice in pairs (which may be too busy to go with the turtle), do you have any suggestions for a creature/character that would go well with the turtle dragon? And as far as the filler/background, I would assume finger waves and maybe a peony flower would jive well, but suggestions in that area are welcome too.

As far as location/artist, I live in Virginia Beach and am considering Chris Stoll, @stoll_tattoos21 on Instagram at Red 5. He did my first tattoo (just a simple outline of a whale caricature a family member drew), however I’ve been keeping up with his Japanese work and feel it is coming along well.

I haven’t had a formal sit down with anyone yet as this is just in the very early brainstorming/learning stages. I also am not in the position to make things happen anytime soon, so I’m taking my time and absorbing suggestions.

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