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First off, I am so happy this site exists. I love tattoos, have a few, and have made some poor tattoo decisions. 

A little about myself- I worked in childcare for 10 years. Even have childcare director's training. I love kids, but I love my own more. So I am now at home with my three, and two dogs. I do sell vintage finds on Etsy and starting to sell my dads 25,000 comic collection. I consider myself a geek, nature loving hippie. 

Okay so tattoo question- As soon as I was able to get a tattoo I did. My first being on my toe. It was suppose to be a vine with flowers. It looked horrible 3 days after I had it done. I don't like to wear sandals or flip flops because of it. So I decided to see what could be done. I found an artist we picked out an idea. Then he changed his mind. He also added shading around the whole thing, which I did not ask for, and he didn't ask me. Question is what to do now? I go back to get a touch up in a month. The first pic is after he finished. The middle was what we picked out. The big leaf was suppose to cover the toe and go over a couple others. The last is what it looked like on the beginning. I should mention I've had the toe tat since 2004. Thanks for any and all advice. 



What can be done?

Well, for starters - find an artist that communicates and listens better. Just like meeting anyone else new, that might take some time. Be patient, and love the work they have already done - not what they say they can do for you. 

That single toe is muddy enough now that it's not realistic to fix it individually. My suggestion would be to either laser that toe a few times or expand what you're doing to include at least other toes - but even going that 2nd route the results aren't going to be "dainty".  

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