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Hey all, Thanks for having me! A few years back I got this tattoo and feel like people have trouble seeing a waterfall since it's not in color. I wanted to finish the backside of this arm with the scene connecting and adding a few wolf pups and some rocks n trees. I think it might look better in color but I can't keep the front black/gray and have other side in color. So do I add some color to the black/gray and then get new idea color OR do black/gray to match the already finished front?wolf in front of waterfall coming out of moon

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Agreed on the "hard to see". 

Balance answer is that "it depends on the artist", as pulling off a waterfall tattoo is going to stump many/most tattooists. What you've got doesn't look overly dark, so my guess is that reworking it with color should be an option. 

Happy to make recommendations if you like. Where do you live?

In Philly:

Matt Lambdin = https://www.instagram.com/lambdin_/

Ant Walsh = https://www.instagram.com/antwalsh_art/

Tim Pangburn = https://www.instagram.com/timpangburn/

you'll probably get some other member's favorites for there, too. You've also got dozens and dozens of capable artists if NJ/NYC is doable for you, too. 

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