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Hello fine tattooed folks!  I e been excitedly collecting for years but recently (over 12 months) added about 80% of my collection!  I have a tendency to go through a doubting stage, usually complete once the new ink settles down. 


Current concern has has lasted longer than usual. I have a tattoo around the collar of my neck and it has some issues.

I like things about it.  I like the meaning and the way Tibetan script looks. I think it could be a tattoo I really would like.  I like the design of negative space between it and my hawk tattoo  I also like the bold black.

I’m not happy with the way the arc slopes, the top of it looks weird sticking out of a crew shirt and some blown edges as well as areas that would need going over.  When I see it from a distance, in a mirror and lower light I really like it and I think it’s because it looks connected (more like a solid band at the top, rather than broken line that is uneven. I want a plan before seeing the artist for his advice. I’m currently thinking making parts bigger, connecting the small “dot spaces” into a solid line might help it. OR, I have contemplated laser consultations to try and completely remove it. 


When im done with my arms I want to get work on my shoulders and traps which I am banking could/would improve the look of this overall. 


What do do you think?





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I honestly think it looks fine. It's a bold tattoo in a highly visible place, maybe that's where some of your doubt is coming from. I see extremely minor blowouts I probably wouldn't have noticed if you wouldn't have said anything, but really all tattoos have flaws and the neck is a tough spot to tattoo as it is. If you really think having a solid line at the top would make you feel better about it, go for it...but I like it how it is, man, and I think the surrounding tattoos you're talking about adding will only improve it more. 

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I think you are as likely to make it worse than better. That's a nice tattoo. As @Synesthesia pointed out, that's in a tough spot, really delicate skin. NO tattoo is perfect, if you look hard enough and long enough, you'll always find something wrong.

You have a really good, strong tattoo. Enjoy it!

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I personally love the little peek you get at the collar of your shirt; it would prompt me to ask more about what’s on the rest of your chest.


I would hold off on a couple of months, maybe even a year, before settling into a decision about what you want to do. I know I personally had a small adjustment period when I went from not see my tattoos to having one that peeks out of my collar and one smack dab in the middle of my forearm. 


Also, it sounds like you may feel more “complete” and settled into the tattoo once you have the surrounding pieces you mentioned.

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Thanks all for the feedback!  I agree with the consensus to leave it be for now and fill in other areas. In my opinion, when tattoos peak out of a shirt it /can/ look really great and that was what I was going for. Now I think if I was doing it over I would have designed it less dotted line like but I do have a nit picky component about me that lacks reasonable proportion :). 


Thank you all again for taking the time and giving the the positive feedback. 

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