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New here ;) I have three tattoos. Just a few days ago added the Little Prince above the planet (that I got done 1 yr ago). This is a tattoo I really love! Then I have a 2.5 y/o Patronus cat that I have had quite a hard time to learn loving. That was my first tattoo and I did not know what to expect and how to properly communicate with the artist. The writing was wrong and also the cat outline was quit badly done. I had it touched up by someone else but yeah...it is what it is.

And finally, I have a back tattoo that I got done 3 days ago and I am having troubles accepting as it is not what I envisioned it. I find it is waay too dark and too busy on the top of the heart. There is virtually on negative space to give it a more 3D feel. This is very disappointing as I truly did my research, carefully selected the design with the artist (who is the same one that did the Little Prince tattoo). Basically this is the reason why I joined, to help calm my anxiety about it as with the cat I knew the same day there are big things that are wrong with it and I never really learned to love it.

So today I am feeling quite low and just riding the feeling out. I know once the black black in falls off, I won't find it as dark, but I am worried that the overlapping elements will always make it look blurry and undefined.

little prince.jpeg


heart stag.jpg

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Thank you! It comes and goes in waves. I know it often happens to feel an initial rejection towards a tattoo, so I am just giving it a couple of months. Luckily it is winter time so it will have plenty of time to heal before wearing clothes to show it off. 

However, do you guys have any tips for healing a tattoo in winter time? I keep them covered with clothes during the day and try to reapply Cicaplast every 3 hours or so, but I noticed they feel drier and scabbier (the hair of the little prince is already a hard dry scab) than the tattoos I got in spring/autumn. I am wearing a loose cotton undershirt under a sweater and hoping for the best :)) In the evening, I do let them 'out' for some time. 

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