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Once my Artist completes my dragon half sleeve, I am thinking this will be  my next project. 

I want it large , on my right leg,  to cover a scar from a motorcycle wreck  from a long time ago. All black and white except the moon. Want the moon to be a natural color. No text just the scene because it has deep meaning.


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My artist and I looked at several comparable scenes online. He gave me his honest opinion on what would and would not work. That's one thing I appreciate about him. Once my dragon is done, I think i know the direction I am going next.  The scene will be a blend of color with some cool black and white highlights. Moon is going to be a pale blue, blue reflections on a black and white background. 

I enjoy asking what my artist can deliver and turning him loose to figure out the details.  Dude goes mad scientist on the smallest details.


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