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Greetings all! 

I know I'm probably prematurely worried, but I'm not sure if this is blow out or will go away with time? It's my first tattoo and is on my bicep - my aftercare has been pretty well maintained. And I assume I'll have to go for a touch up in a few months, but can I get some feedback on how it's doing so far? Thanks a million! :D


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Welcome to the forum! How long ago was the work done? Healing looks fine to me. You have some blowout - some of that will fade out over time. Short of a cover-up there's not much you can do about it and, in reality, you see it more than anyone else will. We're all just more critical and tend to overthink the work. 

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the quality of your artist's work. Lot's of issues with the line work - some corners squared, more rounded; the line pull of the outlines, etc.

The most important issue is whether YOU are happy with it, though, in the end.

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Thank you so much Devious6 for your insight! That is definitely the best feedback I've heard from people I've asked online or otherwise. (: I got the work done 3 weeks ago and overall am okay with it but agree that I'm no overly thrilled with the quality of the work done. 

Made my day to get your response, many many thanks! 

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