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Hi, i understand that there is no way of really telling how much a tattoos gonna cost, but just estimates based on experience and knowledge would be amazing. i will post the photo or photos of a reference tattoo to show you what I'm looking to get. The tattoo i want would be nearly same size, colour and location (forearm)




I know you are trying not to go in blind, but we really can't answer that for you. It totally depends on the artist you choose, and how s/he charges, how fast s/he works, where you are located, etc. 

Make sure you look at *healed* work when you're selecting this artist. I assume you don't wanna pay for it twice ?

I know, just really im only hoping to get like a max price and or a minimum price that this may cost me. Like obviously a good artist doing this tat for me isnt gonna cost under 500 really, but what would the max be. Anything under 1200 and im happy. Thats all im really looking for 


Don't let price be the deciding factor. If it is too much now, save up.

Yes, you could probably get in the door for the top of your range.

A little more money now is nothing compared to a lifetime of a tattoo you dislike or have to rework. This is going to be a very visible tattoo.

If you have someone in mind, maybe stop by the shop and talk to them, bring those pictures along for reference. When we're in getting work done people stop by all the time to ask, and the artists will talk to them for a minute, look at reference material, check out the spot they're wanting to have it done and guesstimate "Ohh around 3-4, four hour sessions give or take" or whatever, and the shop charges 120/hour so then you just go from there.

8 hours x 150/hour = $1200 MAX 

Your budget of 500~$1200 will get you a nice, well done, detailed tattoo. But it's on you to do your research *go to a shop and talk to buddy-tattooer* and find the right person for the job.

but all in all...I've never re-considered a tattoo because of the cost. The cost has always been an afterthought in my experience. Keep putting $20 in your underwear drawer and start saving now. With all these 'superstar' tattooists booking years in advance you've got lots of time to save up!

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