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Hi there LST peeps, so Ive been drawing pretty much my entire life, ive taken some classes here and there but no degree in fine arts or anything. Anyways I have recently oddly become surrounded by tattoo artists in my life and I think for the first time I could actually become like an artist in my life and possibly not starve to death or wilt away in some design company creating brochures for some stupid company. 

So anyways here ive put together a little link of some example of my work (some is woodburned on guitars ive made). I just was hoping to get a feel for if i could survive in this tattooing world, if my skills are halfway decent enough to get an apprenticeship and start learning the ropes and stuff.


Let me know what you guys think, thanks!

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Hi there, 

I think what Marley means is that this forum isn't one where people seek advice on the making tattoos side of things. It's a collector's forum.

I'll give you my quick word of advice, it's not a bit of internet validation that will get you into anything. Show your images to the tattooers who are surrounding you, maybe they will help you, maybe not.

Don't take this wrong, but I think your artwork would make for horrible tattoos. Go into the main forum and read the "What makes a good tattoo" thread and then compare the discussion with your work. I'm not saying you don't have artistic talent, just that nothing you showed us really translates into tattooing.

Most any job is a grind at times. Otherwise, it's a hobby. Tattoo artists spend 8, 10, 12 hours a day hunched over a customer or a drawing board. Work is work. If you feel that your talents lean towards this vocation, then develop the skills and experience for it. You want to be a mechanic? - train with mechanics, not people that just love cars. You want to be a tattoo artist? - get an apprenticeship or go to art school and then get an apprenticeship. We can tell you if we like Your sketches, but that's about all. I teach a highly skilled engineering job. It's amazing the number of students that come in wanting to be cyclotron engineers with no knowledge of math, science, mechanics, or electronics. Get the basics first!

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