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Greetings fellow longtime site users.

I have been noticing an unfortunate trend in topics posted to the site of late. Everyone and their brother and sister too, want to know; Is this is a good design that I found on google image search? Is my brand new tattoo as messed up as I fear it is after staring at it all day? Can you help me decide what goes with this, but I don't plan to like any of your suggestions? I got a bad tattoo and then a worse coverup and now I want it gone, but can't afford laser, and I have no intention of talking to an actual tattooer about a better coverup, what should I do? 

In light of this influx of close minded advice seekers, I have decided to begin responding more often, but with an increased snark factor. I will encourage posters to persue their pre-determined courses of action with great vigour! Most make it easy by stating their decision in their opening paragraph.

I have noticed that some of you seasoned veterans of internet tattoo discussion, appear to be behaving likewise. For this I salute you. Let us make LST great again! A place where new users are cautious about telling us how it is, but where those who show a true interest can find a wealth of information.

To the surly few, carry on fine friends. You know who you are, and may you respond well knowing that your wit and sarcasm are appreciated!



Here is a picture of a tattoo I got, from Greg Christian, at the Art Tattoo show in Montreal this past weekend. I learned about him and many other greats through this site :)


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As satisfying as snark can be, I wonder if these threads might not be discouraged if they were just ignored.  Otherwise you're kind of granting their wish for attention. Let them die and sink down the page.

I agree with you that it's a frustrating situation.

Edited by polliwog

I think there is a middle ground - i dont know if I come off snarky or sarcastic or what sometimes - i just try to be honest - sometimes honesty isnt what people want - there are def those threads where the OP is fishing for the validation of their idea - no matter how ridiculous - I would rather LST be but a ghost town then become a place where folks are high fiving over upside down blown out tattastrophes - just so they dont hurt each others feelings

i'm rambling - but anyway - i hope the good folks here keep coming back and talking tattoos and posting their tattoos - we've had some good new members too 

Edited by marley mission
  On 9/14/2016 at 11:48 PM, marley mission said:

I think there is a middle ground - i dont know if I come off snarky or sarcastic or what sometimes - i just try to be honest - sometimes honesty isnt what people want - there are def those threads where the OP is fishing for the validation of their idea - no matter how ridiculous - I would rather LST be but a ghost town then become a place where folks are high fiving over upside down blown out tattastrophes - just so they dont hurt each others feelings

i'm rambling - but anyway - i hope the good folks here keep coming back and talking tattoos and posting their tattoos - we've had some good new members too 


I think you have found a good balance. I enjoy reading your responses. You seem to shoot from the hip, call it like it is, but without malice.

  On 9/14/2016 at 11:29 PM, bongsau said:

ps would this make a good tattoo ? i found it on googlerVINTAGE70sBLACKLIGHTAASALESSEATTLEPOSTER


Would you mind if I get this as a backpiece? I'll let the artist try to make some changes, but in the end I will refuse them all and take this master work exactly as it is! 

  On 9/14/2016 at 10:38 PM, polliwog said:

Also, did you ever share what you got from Chad K?


I haven't posted it yet as I am not sufficiently flexible to get a good picture. At this point I'll put it up next week once the flake situation has passed.

Btw is it normal that my new tattoo on my leg is a little dry looking? Should I use crisco or something on it? My tattooer said to leave it alone, but my buddy swears by shortening... ;)

  On 9/15/2016 at 12:34 AM, polliwog said:

You'll need to repeat this process for the rest of your life so I hope you like dogs.


It is difficult to express in words the amount of laughter this comment generated on my part!

@mtlsam It needs to be butter from grass-fed cows.  I recommend Kerrygold but my friends have had great success with butter produced by cows spoken to exclusively in Finno-Ugric languages.

Okay I probably should have stopped after the first one

Edited by polliwog
  On 9/15/2016 at 12:47 AM, polliwog said:

@mtlsam It needs to be butter from grass-fed cows.  I recommend Kerrygold but my friends have had great success with butter produced by cows spoken to exclusively in Finno-Ugric languages.

Okay I probably should have stopped after the first one


Specificity is key to successfully  reproducing results.

What's most annoying to me is people who only take. They come here (as well as a bunch of other tattoo themed web forums) ask questions/seek validation, and when they recieve their info, they f*ck off. What's even worse is when they come here to get their d*ck sucked about their totally sick /rad/unique tattoo idea, and recieve answers they dont like, they insult the members who respond to them, and either never come back or start multiple topics hoping to get the answer they want. How about you contribute something first before you leech off this community?

You could pretty much respond to any of these people's questions with "Talk to your tattooer", but that seems to be too difficult for them. 

Edited by a_beukeveld

I am a newbie from both the perspective of joining the forum as well as to the world of tattoos. I do want to thank many of you who have welcomed and supported me. Although I do try to defer to experience, I also recognize that my enthusiasm sometimes gets the best of me and I'll jump in where, perhaps, I should remain silent. Again, thanks for the tolerance. It is frustrating to see people who come here who clearly have no desire to gain any wisdom or listen to counter-points; they are here only to validate pre-existing thoughts. Feel free to smack me, when appropriate.

@Devious6 Mark, you always have something valuable to add. You are the best!

I've engaged with a few of these people who really hate that we don't love their tattoo ideas, and I am always called all sorts of names. They also insult my tattoos, which makes me giggle since these tools either 1) have no tattoos and/or 2) are seeking our opinions on a particularly shitty tattoo idea. The multiple-thread-starters especially drive me crazy. DUDES. ONE THREAD IS ENOUGH. I've seen them do that here, then go to another place (like Big Planet) and do the exact same thing and get the exact same response. It is funny to watch.

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