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I got my tattoo done a week ago, and it has started to peel...but only one side. Is that normal, or do you think there's something causing it like maybe the way my pants rub it (I'd think it'd be the same or more on the side that's not peeling, but maybe I'm wrong).


On the side that's not peeling there are teeny tiny bits that have a little scabbing, but that's it. I woke up this morning to a bit of minor peeling, but nothing like the other side.


Any answers, ideas, help or suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, Dado said:


This is my first tattoo ever. How long do you guys think it will take for it to completely heal. Do you have any tips on healing? Im using an ointment called Fucidin (antibiotic).

Any help is appreciated, thanks

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that small of a tattoo in all black ink will heal easy,just keep it clean and use something like Aveeno fragrance free lotion lightly a few times a day.that tattoo should mostly heal in a few weeks,most tattoos take months to fully heal though,

Edited by Dan
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you'll find many people here advocate a dry heal. I've been dry healing for years - never bothered with creams and ointments. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, so I try to leave it alone to heal. That's just me though. Each to their own.

Edited by Mark Bee
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IMO there is no global answer to this,all of us heal and react differently to many different methods.The only way to heal well is to find out which method works best for each individual ,and the only way to find that answer IMO is through trial and error.There is no blanket rule/method that works for everyone.

in the many years that I have been getting tattooed,I have heard dozens of opinions,and methods seem to trend and change.



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Unless your tattoo is infected, then there is absolutely no point in using antibiotics. If the shop is so dirty that you have to use antibiotics as a preventive measure to get a clean heal then you might want to re-evaluate where you get tattooed. Antibiotics isn't something you should be taking just for the fun of it. Feel free to do some googling on your own in case you are unaware of this.

From the 2 week photo, it looks like there is a thin scab on the entire thing, that needs to flake off. Skin and scabs doesn't flake if it's moist, so that's why I'd recommend that you simply leave your tattoo alone and dry.

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Thanks for explanation, the shop is not dirty its the best one in my city, and really expensive. I paid almost $100 for this really small tattoo.

But your explanation does make a lot of sense, I just thought its what everyone does.

I cant wait for it to flake off :P

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7 hours ago, Dado said:

Thanks for explanation, the shop is not dirty its the best one in my city, and really expensive. I paid almost $100 for this really small tattoo.

But your explanation does make a lot of sense, I just thought its what everyone does.

I cant wait for it to flake off :P

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Just because it is the most expensive in the city doesn't mean it is clean. I'm baffled why they suggested antibiotic cream. That is nuts.

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