Gemini Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 My first "real" tattoo was a six hour event. When it was over I stood up while the artist was trying to take a picture, and after a couple of minutes I felt like I was going to pass out. I sat, drank water, and thankfully avoided fainting. I have an appointment in two days for my next tattoo and I am really worried about passing out! I read that you should make sure to eat, but then I read if you pass out you'll vomit... Help! What can I do to give me the best chance of avoiding passing out? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemini Posted March 28, 2016 Author Share Posted March 28, 2016 My first tattoo was on my lower back, this one will be back/shoulder, if it makes a difference. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marley mission Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 never had an experience like that while getting tattooed or after the tattoo i mean certainly you should do the common sense precautionary stuff - rest, hydrate, nutrition type stuff but almost passing out could also be a good excuse to see your primary care physician - no? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 My first "real" tattoo was a six hour event. When it was over I stood up while the artist was trying to take a picture, and after a couple of minutes I felt like I was going to pass out. I sat, drank water, and thankfully avoided fainting. I have an appointment in two days for my next tattoo and I am really worried about passing out! I read that you should make sure to eat, but then I read if you pass out you'll vomit... Help! What can I do to give me the best chance of avoiding passing out? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk eat sugars,I eat Skittles and MM's before and during my tattoo,as well as a good meal right before and pre-hydrate the day before and during the tattoo with water. . my mix of M&M's and Skittles works great for me,and yes,standing up right after a tattoo is always weird,you are endorphin high at that moment,after a long tattoo like that,I grab my water,relax,breath for a few minutes before anything else.hell,after a 6 hour session I can't even count money ! LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bongsau Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 WARM-UP: Get a good sleep the night before. Eat a good meal before. Drink lots of water before. Water during (or hot water/tea) STRETCH - it's not just about stretching the part getting tattooed, but stretch out your whole body to get through the weird positions and strain you may find yourself in...people underestimate this. DURING: Bring a meal for the mid-point break. Not junk food, like an actual meal. Or healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, veggies. RELAX - get your head in the right space. Worrying will make it worse. Relax the feet, the body will follow. And don't forget to breathe. Hold your breath and you will pass out. and when you finally hear "ok i think we're done"...just chill and enjoy the moment before you get up slowly. Jump off the table to quickly, guaranteed you will get a blood rush and possibly pass out. Don't be a pussy - it's just a tattoo, you can do it ;) POST-TATTOO.. Drink a couple beers and smoke a joint, Guaranteed to make you pass out ! Relax. The pain is over...for a few hours until you have to peel that damn tape off the bandage and the shower water hits the fresh tattoo a-o ! Shaggy, polliwog, Cork and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marley mission Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 @Dan very true - I get mentally a little off after longer sessions - 6 was my longest - a rib shot - and man was i wasted from that Dan 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
21stNow Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 You have to know what your triggers are for passing out. For me, it is low blood pressure brought on by a physically stressful event. I've had issues with fainting at least since I was six years old, so I knew that I would pass out getting a tattoo. I warned the artist about this; I'm more concerned about others' reactions than what will happen to me at this point. The artist will still caught a little off guard because of how quickly it happened, but she adjusted very well. Fortunately, I only passed out on my first tattoo. As for the vomiting, that's not an absolute occurrence. Of the nine times that I have fainted that I can actually remember off the top of my head, vomiting was only present with three of them (and not the time that I got tattooed). I know that I have fainted more than nine times, though. I can do things to try to prevent the stress level from going too high most times but for the times that I can't, I just wake up and move on with whatever I was doing. If you want to prevent being light-headed or fainting, you have to know your triggers and work to alleviate them. Eating sugar doesn't help me, as sweet foods make me feel nauseous even in normal situations. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
polliwog Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 @bongsau gives great advice I had a brown-out after my first tattoo (I wound up sort of crumpling to the floor on the Boston subway, which, eccch) because I had been too nervous to eat a substantial meal beforehand. I didn't vomit or feel nauseous. Now I try to eat something bland that my body will take a fairly long time to digest, a combination of protein, grains and vegetables or fruit. (If you have to sign a waiver before getting tattooed, they'll probably ask you if you've eaten in the last 2 hours.) A tattooer told me that hot chocolate is a much better source of sugar to consume immediately after a tattoo than a soda or a fruit juice, so the last time I was tattooed, I had a hot cocoa with cayenne powder post-tattoo and it helped a ton; I didn't get any of the usual crappy sickly feeling. Beer usually just makes that feeling worse. I don't know if you are prone to hypoglycemia, but I am and this is what has worked for me. The key seems to be keeping my blood sugar as level as possible. I also have low blood pressure. Shaggy 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
taaarro Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 I think eating right, getting sleep, keeping hydrated, etc. is definitely important. Getting tattooed, though, can be a heavy experience mentally, and I think when you're nervous, you might forget to take deep breaths or breathe at all and be physically very tense, which could very well make you feel like you're going to faint. The first time I got tattooed, I got my elbow done, and I was nervous and not breathing. I was turning green so the tattooist told me to take a break. Call me a hippy but meditating or doing some yoga before hand might be helpful. polliwog 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaggy Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 Everyone has great points, I think the best ideas are look after yourself in the few days leading up to the session. Eat well, get plenty of sleep, have a good meal before and most importantly relax and don't stress out. Also a good artist can probably tell if you are close to dropping to the floor and help in that situation. I have had 2 experiences of coming close to going down. 1 was getting laser removal on chest and 2nd was being tattooed on chest. I sense a theme here :). Both times both artist and laser tech saw I was turning green, we stopped both times they gave me a 5 min break had a sugar hit (Jelly Beans and Cola) and I was fine to continue. Both times I had a shit nights sleep (the joys of being on call at work) and I had skipped either breakfast in 1 case and lunch the other. So as everyone has said and I can definitely confirm, get a few nights good sleep before, eat well, chill out, stay off the alcohol and drink a lot of water. My tattoo day ritual thanks to a 3-3.5hr commute each way to my artist is 1. Have a 1 or 2 pieces of fruit in car while driving to train station. 2. Maccas breakfast once I get to train station (probably the only time I eat at McDonalds, got to love the sausage & egg Mcmuffin) 3. Chocolate bar and water just before I walk in for the session. 4. Keep filling water bottle while getting tattooed. (I probably go through 2L in a 6 hour session) My experience is look after yourself for a few days before hand and all will be ok. The fact that you mentioned you knew you may have been going to pass out the 1st time and dealt with it is a good sign. Good luck on your next tattoo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pidjones Posted March 29, 2016 Share Posted March 29, 2016 I pass out with low blood pressure brought on by dehydration, vomiting, etc. not the other way around. I also pass out from intense pain (like a cortisone shot in my heal that hit a nerve), but didn't during tattoos or nipple piercing. I didn't consider either an intense pain. Hydrate, fuel up, and don't panic, plus warn the artist - you'll be fine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemini Posted March 30, 2016 Author Share Posted March 30, 2016 Thanks for all of the suggestions. I'm planning to eat more, both real food and sugar, and drink water throughout. Tomorrow's the big day. Wish me luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatKidChris Posted April 1, 2016 Share Posted April 1, 2016 The sugar is definitely what you need you also want to take ur time getting up do it slow and steady. Especially if you have been worked on for a long period of time there's job need to shock ur body in that way as well after getting tattooed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colored Guy Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 I pass out with low blood pressure brought on by dehydration, vomiting, etc. not the other way around. I also pass out from intense pain (like a cortisone shot in my heal that hit a nerve), but didn't during tattoos or nipple piercing. I didn't consider either an intense pain. Hydrate, fuel up, and don't panic, plus warn the artist - you'll be fine. Shot in the heel... the only time I ever cursed out a doctor.. good thing I was the only patient there. With the back injury I try to keep it under 3 hours and bring a neck pillow with me. Comfort is important too. - - - Updated - - - I pass out with low blood pressure brought on by dehydration, vomiting, etc. not the other way around. I also pass out from intense pain (like a cortisone shot in my heal that hit a nerve), but didn't during tattoos or nipple piercing. I didn't consider either an intense pain. Hydrate, fuel up, and don't panic, plus warn the artist - you'll be fine. Shot in the heel... the only time I ever cursed out a doctor.. good thing I was the only patient there. With the back injury I try to keep it under 3 hours and bring a neck pillow with me. Comfort is important too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PYTHN Posted April 17, 2016 Share Posted April 17, 2016 Fainting and vomiting are two separate things. Depending on where are you are getting tattooed, if you are laying back for along time and suddenly get up, you can faint from orthostatic hypotension just like getting up after a long flight. I sat for 8 hours yesterday and I started shivering at the end bc the pain of the white highlights was brutal. I couldn't take much more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iowagirl Posted April 18, 2016 Share Posted April 18, 2016 How did it end up going for you? A couple few sessions ago I had a weird time where I thought I was going to pass out and it scared the shit out of me. We always eat beforehand (spaghetti works mmmmm) and I take water every where I go. He was working on the back of my shoulder, drawing, and I was making myself hold really still. My tank top strap and sports bra strap were pulled to the side. When I stood up everything started to spin. He and my husband were really concerned. I went into the bathroom and did some breathing and pulled my arm out of the straps, taking my sports bra off completely so there was no restriction on my ribcage. Was fine after that but I think it was just my not paying attention to the fact that I wasn't moving and keeping the blood flowing, and the strap against my neck too tight. Now I make sure to be more conscious of what I'm doing...or not doing as the case may be. This last session on Wednesday (says my pics are too big and I don't know how to resize them argh!) I got a little yucky after but I was sick so I think that's why. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colored Guy Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 I've felt woozy at breaks before, probably normal from sitting or laying reclined and getting up from that. Plus the stress of dealing with continuous pain for long periods. Now I'm done at 3 hours, will stretch it out if I'm okay and the artist is too. I bring a Pepsi with me and water too, keep sipping when I get a chance. On breaks, I like to get up, take a whiz and go outside for a few minutes to clear my head. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jen7 Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 Today I felt like puking for the first time. It wasn't pain though, it was from drinking and then lying back down on my right side all twisted. Boy that did not feel good for a couple of hours. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oboogie Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 I stood up after my tattoo guy finished my half sleeve on my left arm, and I very nearly passed out. Felt very dizzy. I had been sick and on lots of medication, though. More to do with that than the pain, I'm quite sure. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostknife Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 I get psychogenic shock (fainting due to blood pressure changes) and have been prone to it for a while...has happened on a few occasions getting tattooed, and when I really badly sprained my ankle as a kid. There are cues you can take note of...for me my field of vision gets lighter, I sweat a lot, and my hearing changes, so it sounds like everything is far away. I have also had a tattooer point out that my skin is getting cold/my temperature dropped. That's when I know to say something/do something. Figured out ways to deal with it...lying down (always works and helps, reduces the strain on my cardiovascular system), taking a short break (usually it won't happen again after it happens once), over hydrating (usually I am well hydrated but I find I really have to overcompensate with forcing myself to drink even more water), and eating hella candy. I always eat large meals on tattoo days but having sugar during the process helps avoid this. Doesn't mean anything bigger is wrong with me medically, just the way my body responds to trauma/pain. Tends to happen on really painful bits or over long periods of time. Hope it went well! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 I was very worried about this as well. I usually get light headed when i donate blood or watch people stick me in the arm. I told my artist and his wife was on the same page as me, but they assured me tattooing was a different story. they were completely right and i've never had an issue. I've developed a lil ritual for my 4 hour drive to my artist on the day of my day. 1.It all starts the day before... no alcohol, tons of water, and try as best I can to get a decent nights sleep. (usually 6 hours for me) 2. I've never been big on breakfast but i try to get something substantial in my stomach, sometimes just beef jerky. 3. on the drive up i sip on a bottle of mountain dew and snack on sour patch/jolly ranchers and gardettos. carbs and sugars. I also drink about a liter of water in the car... pee breaks are your friend. 4. during the tattoo i suck on jolly ranchers as i find it easier than constantly reaching into a bag of candy to eat sour patch, skittles, or whatever. 5. during breaks I'll down some more gardettos and chug tons of water. i am always slow to stand up because laying down and putting your body in shock for however long, always takes a toll on the CNS 6. after all is said and done, I take a deep breathe and sit up for a few minutes, then stand, then more water. 7. walk across the street and order a double double and animal fry from In-N-Out. but for real, if you managed the urge on your first tattoo, especially a 6 hour one, i think you'll be fine from here on out. If you do get the urge again, sit down as soon as you can! Good luck! :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemini Posted May 3, 2016 Author Share Posted May 3, 2016 Original poster here. It went well, with no passing out! I ate a big rice chicken bowl for lunch right before the tattoo. The first bathroom break I felt drunk and tried to remind myself that it was my body coping with the pain, and all the advice I had gotten here. I drank LOTS of water during, sat and stood up very slowly, and scarfed a chocolate protein bar when the artist went to get more ink. So thank you! I have to go back to finish the tattoo because we ran out of time, but I am feeling much more confident now! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Gingerninja, TattooedMumma, bongsau and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gingerninja Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 @Gemini Well done and congrats! Here's to any more hours of tattoo time. Oh, and this is thread that people need to read when they ask if tattoos hurt. TattooedMumma 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bongsau Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 @Gemini you did it ! good job. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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