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My first thread. I'd be interested to see what you guys have to say.

So I have this theory that heavily tattooed people are more able to accept those things they can't change, and therefore are much more likely to have a positive outlook on life. I think to be tattooed (and I guess I am talking king about proper collectors here, people who seek out specific artists) you need to put your trust entirely in another person to do something permanent on you. It's often incredibly hard to visualise what that will look like exactly (the tattoo is obviously much more than the stencil) and it may or may not have elements in that you expect. I love almost all of my tattoos, but there are things about some of them that I would have done differently (most of the time this has to do with placement but not always). However I have learned to love them for all their imperfections, because I have to. I would say from personal experience this positive attitude definitely influences other parts of my life.

This might sound weird but I often repeat to myself how much I love a new tattoo as well, and I think this positive reinforcement helps me to accept a new addition much more quickly. Though to be honest with every new addition I do feel more 'me' so it often has little to do with acceptance and definitely more satisfaction at another piece of the puzzle fitting into place. Anyway I digress.


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I think it's related to personality type and not if the person has tattoos or not.

One questions in the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator test is something like whether you want to change your appearance, which I do believe certain personality types have a higher degree of than others. If you want to read more about it then the Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator) is a good start, as well as a simple version of the test at Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities.

If all of LST did the test, we'd be all over the map and not a coherent group of a specific personality type.

certainly, but would there be more in common with us than what you would find with any other group that celebrates other forms of art (or music, or dance, or other creative endeavor)?

No probably not. I think it makes sense that certain personality types are attracted to certain activities /past times. I guess tattooing wouldn't appeal to people who are always changing their minds, or people who struggle with change for example. Of course I'm generalising on a huge scale here!

  • 1 month later...
One questions in the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator test is something like whether you want to change your appearance,

Funny, when I read that question, my first thought was no, which I suppose is an odd response since I am tattooed - isn't that changing my appearance? I guess for me, changing my appearance would be things like being taller, or changing the shape of my face - something really fundamental. I see tattooing as "enhancement" of appearance, not "change."

But back to @Guerillaneedles original question: I'd never thought of it that way, but my getting tattooed was definitely a commitment to something that can't be changed. I very consciously thought about that before my first tattoo, and I was deeply attracted to that aspect of it. I do think that I'm a person who accepts things that can't be changed. When situations come along in my life where something happens or goes wrong, I'm more likely to move ahead than look back and wish something hadn't happened. "Ok, how can we fix this?" Rather than "how did this happen?" It happened, you can't change it, so move ahead.

Couldn't we argue that in a way tattoos are a commitment to not changing our appearance? I can cut my hair or shave my beard without giving it two thoughts. I can but different clothing and decorative glasses on my lunch break today- no big deal, right? But these tattoos, these damn tattoo, those are staring to seem kind of permanent.

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