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I'm certainly not going to say "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid slacks"

hahahaha I love this shit. It makes me giggle like a little kid every time

I can see what Mario is saying about tattoo snobs with an attitude towards other clients, but I don't quite get why the term "collector" is so annoying. I refer to my tattoos as my collection, so doesn't that make me a collector? Is "enthusiast" a better term?

I would never put myself above anyone, especially if they're getting work done from a respectable artist, regardless of the design they may choose. To each his own.

Can the term "work" also be perceived as offensive? If so I might already have offended a few members here with my picture comments.

Hopefully I'll be travelling to the US soon to get some work (see, I did it again) by some of the amazingly talented artists that you have over there. I would hate to make a bad first impression by blurting out something that an artist would interpret as ignorant or offensive. I'm certainly not going to say "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid slacks", but "love your work" is something that I imagine that I could have said without thinking twice.

youve probably got a cool norse accent which would make it possible to pull off even some of the typical annoying slang. haha

i had a friend from england visit that said he wanted to get colored in, which sounded cool coming from him.

I can see what Mario is saying about tattoo snobs with an attitude towards other clients, but I don't quite get why the term "collector" is so annoying. I refer to my tattoos as my collection, so doesn't that make me a collector? Is "enthusiast" a better term?

I would never put myself above anyone, especially if they're getting work done from a respectable artist, regardless of the design they may choose. To each his own.

Can the term "work" also be perceived as offensive? If so I might already have offended a few members here with my picture comments.

Hopefully I'll be travelling to the US soon to get some work (see, I did it again) by some of the amazingly talented artists that you have over there. I would hate to make a bad first impression by blurting out something that an artist would interpret as ignorant or offensive. I'm certainly not going to say "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid slacks", but "love your work" is something that I imagine that I could have said without thinking twice.

No, you have a gold mine in your post. "whatup tat-wizard, fire up yo gun and shoot that ink on my squid [pants]" is now what I want to say when I eventually go state side and meet a tattooist from LST. Hopefully they will understand the joke and not shoe me out of the shop. Also I need to learn that collector is spelled with an or not er.

Iwar- I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one to say "work". I use it all the time. I never thought it would be annoying to anybody.

i say work too. i sort of feel like everything else outside of tattoo just sounds awkward, but that's my own personal preference.

Co-sign on using "work." I never imagined it could be taken the wrong way. Gia, if I ever see you in Whole Foods and ask who does your work, please forgive me! :)

You guys, don't worry about Gia, she's just easily annoyed. I suspect it's the people, and not really their choice of words that's bothering her. Or that her squid slacks are itchy.

NO one has mentioned "jammer"....for some reason , a hand full of people say this and it drives me bonkers..."tat jams" "tat jammers", "sweet jammers I've be workin on.."..and this is TATTOOERS sayin this ..sound like a bunch of little kids..ugh..

Have gotten the " who's inkin' today" line once or twice..

NO one has mentioned "jammer"....for some reason , a hand full of people say this and it drives me bonkers..."tat jams" "tat jammers", "sweet jammers I've be workin on.."..and this is TATTOOERS sayin this ..sound like a bunch of little kids..ugh..

Have gotten the " who's inkin' today" line once or twice..

Haha. Is this a philly thing?? I feel like I've heard this around town.

i am guilty of so many of these annoying things. not the worst or the ridiculous.

but i sometimes say; ink, work and i love to call shitty tattoo artist that work at home kitchen wizards.

do i care that it may annoy other people? not really.

First time I've heard this, but earlier today some peckerwood with shitty squidwork on his arms comes up to me and asks "who you wearin, bro?"

I've never heard that before. He mentioned Gil Montie twice.

He seemed less than impressed with my choices in artists, since none of them were Gil Montie.

This is why I hate going out in shortsleeves.

First time I've heard this, but earlier today some peckerwood with shitty squidwork on his arms comes up to me and asks "who you wearin, bro?"

The correct response: "Calvin Klein. Wanna see?" And that's when you start to unbuckle your belt.

Yesterday I walked into a bank in Orinda, which is on the other side of the tunnel from Oakland, and is very much another world. One of the tellers jumped up and said "I like your skin." It didn't make me cringe, far from it, she really meant it, and I liked that she saw it as my skin and not a tattoo that could somehow be separate from the rest of me. Anyone else ever get this comment?

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