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Maggie's body is covered in tattoos, and her parents have no idea. So we made a video for Maggie to show her parents the tattoos she's been hiding. Made by Bianca Giaever and This American Life.

I like it. I've been holding off on telling my parents about my latest tattoos (they know about 4 of the 10 so far) and my plans to continue getting tattooed. It'll happen sooner than later, but those assumptions Maggie talks about are my exact reasons for keeping the secret.

I think many people sell their parents short. If you love them, then trust that they will still love you wearing your art. BTW, where did conservative Christian become associated with dislike for tattoos? Too many folks looking for enemies instead of allies.

I know a guy, a friend, who`s parents would kill him if they found out about his tattoos. He has his torso covered, right up to.the shoulders, with nothing on his arms. I call it his "tank top".

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I know a guy, a friend, who`s parents would kill him if they found out about his tattoos. He has his torso covered, right up to.the shoulders, with nothing on his arms. I call it his "tank top".

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How many of you folks that think the parents would be so rough on their children have children of your own? They may still dislike tattoos, may be upset, disappointed, etc., but they aren't going to stop loving them. Your perspective changes a lot when they are your kids.

How many of you folks that think the parents would be so rough on their children have children of your own? They may still dislike tattoos, may be upset, disappointed, etc., but they aren't going to stop loving them. Your perspective changes a lot when they are your kids.

That`s true. Prespective would change. But even with that, people flail in odd directions. A new born might turn the hard gangster to jelly, or make someone who`s very relaxed into an uptight, maybe even callous soul.

No accounting for how people will be.

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That's a nice video - thanks for sharing. There have been some surprises in my family, too. Some unexpectedly good, and others unexpectedly bad. Assumptions go both ways, unfortunately. It's great that her tattoo conversation extended well beyond that to foundations of faith and relationships. Pretty amazing thing.

How many of you folks that think the parents would be so rough on their children have children of your own? They may still dislike tattoos, may be upset, disappointed, etc., but they aren't going to stop loving them. Your perspective changes a lot when they are your kids.

My parents didn't talk to me for 3 years because I moved in with my fiancee. So you'll understand if I don't give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to tattoos.

My Mom's gone, and I only get to see my Dad about once a year. He knows I have a couple of tattoos, but I don't think he has any idea of the actual extent. I just don't see the point in upsetting him during the little bit of time we get to spend together (and he's 83). If we lived in the same city then I'd hope he'd get used to it . . .

My mom still gives me a stink face when she sees a new one, so I don't tell her about them. I don't hide them, but I don't constantly update her. When she found out I went to Austin (I'm in NYC) for the sole purpose of getting tattooed, she was pretty pissed, though, and served me her A+ guilt-trip game.

Her and her siblings (my uncle and aunt) all seriously dislike tattoos. Yet all their kids have them. It's a bit of sore point for them, but what are you gonna do.

My mom still gives me a stink face when she sees a new one, so I don't tell her about them. I don't hide them, but I don't constantly update her. When she found out I went to Austin (I'm in NYC) for the sole purpose of getting tattooed, she was pretty pissed, though, and served me her A+ guilt-trip game.

Her and her siblings (my uncle and aunt) all seriously dislike tattoos. Yet all their kids have them. It's a bit of sore point for them, but what are you gonna do.


Who did you see in Austin? There are several great artists there.

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