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Hello folks. So I will be working in Portland, Oregon May 30th through June 1st and am taking appointments for flash, custom work, and hand-poked tattoos. Would also love to meet some LST peoples while I'm in town. If you are interested in getting tattooed, shoot an email to [email protected]


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I told myself I wasn't going to start anything on my legs until after August, because I'm deep in training to climb Rainier, and doing that with a healing thigh tattoo sounds uncomfortable. ...My shoulder didn't scab up too much when I had that done on the other side, though...

...yeah. I should totally do it. The linked pictures are too rad.

You're a terrible influence! Because of how you twisted my arm without mercy. Obviously.

My thigh tattoo was really only a PITA for a couple days, and I'm a slow healer. :D

Poke, poke.

Seriously, @cltattooing's art keeps blowing me away. It's incredibly impressive to witness someone with talent and drive becoming seriously good at their craft. More so for me because I get discouraged really easily when it comes to anything creative and so am extra impressed by the grit it must take to grow and evolve like that. Hope this isn't too weirdly effusive, it's totally sincere.

Wish I could, but I'll be in the last week of finishing my bachelor's degree and prepping for a month-long trip to Nicaragua in the middle of June. No money + no time = missing out on awesome guest artists :(

Enjoy Portland! I'll look forward to you posting the tattoos you make!

edit: I didn't mean for this to sound like I'm bragging, it just sorta came out that way. I really do wish I could take advantage of your visit to get tattooed, but such is life.

@Mark Bee possibly!! This is my first guest spot so I might just get the bug and go everyyyywhereee!!! :D

@CultExciter you are too much my friend!! Visit again soon!

@sophistre I am way stoked!! Also I'm bringing Tegaderm with me so you don't even need to worry about scabs. :) Also whoa Mt. Rainier!!

@polliwog thank you!! That means a lot to hear. I've been on LST for a little less than half my career now and definitely feel like everyone here has been instrumental in shaping who I am as a tattooer. As far as staying motivated and driven, I can't say it's easy for anyone. I am definitely inclined to laziness and probably hate about 70% of what I make. Just push through and don't give up ever!! Even if you hate everything that you make, as long as you enjoy the process and stick to it, growth happens naturally.

@el twe No way, those are amazing reasons to miss getting tattooed! Congratulations!! Possibly a bit jealous...

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