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Today Greg and I sewed up the two major remaining blank spaces on my arm, leaving two or three small patches that could comfortably contain some sort of fill. My homework assignment is to think about what I might want to put in there.

We can always default to flowers and leaves -- I don't think I'll ever feel like I have too many flower tattoos -- but we both feel like there might be another option out there that's fun and slightly different. I just...have no idea what that might be. I haven't spent much time thinking about filler! Maybe bugs, or something...? The only thing we know for sure is that we don't want to introduce any colors beyond the ones already on my arm.

He took some pictures of my arm today that don't suck (before he did the cobra on the upper back of my arm), and I am including the links here. Any suggestions?



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Thanks once again for the opportunity to drool over your arm. You know, like not physically or anything :)

Bugs - yes! That would be really cool and unique. I can see a little creepy crawly on there, centipede-type creature for one. Google "bugs" and there are so many awesome little colored dudes.

If you haven't already, go over and put a link to this thread or the pics themselves in the http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/15-latest-tattoo-lowdown.html thread. These are too awesome to let get lost in another thread.

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  SStu said:
You could always consider adding to the "frogs" thread later on . . .

I was just going to post that if this was my sleeve I'd see about squeezing a little frog in there.

@sophistre it's really been a pleasure seeing you go from a poster with no tattoos to having this completely gorgeous sleeve. I am glad you shared it with us.

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How about a centipede or a caterpillar? Horned beetles look particularly badass as tattoos. I agree with @Hands On that whatever Greg comes up with will be spectacular.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, er...could you maybe put a bug in his ear that Portsmouth, New Hampshire is really beautiful in the summer? :)

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You guys are too kind!

I love the idea of a centipede or caterpillar. I LOVE the idea of a frog. I would never have thought about doing a frog, but it would probably go really well with the critters I already have. There's a weird adjacent set of spaces. Maybe we can do a fun frog/bug thing!

  Graeme said:
it's really been a pleasure seeing you go from a poster with no tattoos to having this completely gorgeous sleeve. I am glad you shared it with us.
  hogg said:
Absolutely gorgeous. Keep making great decisions, @sophistre!

I can't take credit for all of the good decisions (Greg is great), but the ones I did make I made in part because I learned a lot on LST. Thanks for maintaining a forum with so much important information on it, and a place where I can go to ogle people's work!

  Hands On said:
Greg's got photos of the space, a vivid imagination, and an understanding of what you might be into. Seems like he also has your trust... just tell him to make up something badass!

Oh, I did! He told me to think about it. If I pressed him, I think he'd tell me to get monkeys, because he knows I don't like monkeys...and so now he's made it his personal mission to convince me to get a monkey tattoo. Haha. :rolleyes: I may have pacified him by telling him I want a morph, though. Nobody's ever asked him for one. Exciting!

  polliwog said:
Also, er...could you maybe put a bug in his ear that Portsmouth, New Hampshire is really beautiful in the summer? :)

I will do this! I know he was out in NYC to guest last year, so he does periodically do that kinda thing.

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  sophistre said:
Oh, I did! He told me to think about it. If I pressed him, I think he'd tell me to get monkeys, because he knows I don't like monkeys...and so now he's made it his personal mission to convince me to get a monkey tattoo. Haha. :rolleyes: I may have pacified him by telling him I want a morph, though. Nobody's ever asked him for one. Exciting!

monkey morph! done!! i only have four monkeys on me... 3 wise ones together and one separate smoking a pipe.

no matter what you decide, it's gonna be badass. simple as that!

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