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I want to get a forearm tattoo of song lyrics that mean a lot to me. The song / the artist has helped me through so tough times. The lyrics are Cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind. I am trying to figure out an image that could go along with it. I am at a loss. Do you have any suggestions? I'm a woman, if that makes a difference.

Thanks :)

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Gender makes no difference in tattoos. :)

That's a lot of words for a small space, and a picture speaks 1000. You could interpret them creatively into an image. I have no idea what style of tattoo you're looking for, but the first thing that came to mind with those lyrics is a boat at sunrise, you could maybe have the band's name or an abbreviation carved into the side of the boat. I favor traditional style images so this is sort of like what I'm imagining: 10258016_445148672286273_6216022403513724818_n_by_quantumtattoomilano-d83qxne.jpg

I really like Tron's approach to band/lyrics tattoos; looking at her work might help you realise how many non-literal possibilities you have if you're trying to match an image to words. https://instagram.com/losingshape/ (If I ever get a band tattoo I hope I can get it from her.) "Cast me gently into morning" is lovely and evocative!

That tattoo above is gorgeous.

Pretty sure I'm the only one on here who likes word tattoos..I'd not go for multiple lines/paragraph style or anything, but a few words looks nice to me. Sometimes words are the only way to convey something. I see a picture of a guy in black running across the sand and a guy in a cowboy hat behind him, but reading "the man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed" puts a specific picture in my head that is only mine, and everyone else reading it gets a different picture in their head. A picture doesn't change according to the viewer. That's my mind on it anyway.

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