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Hi Dario and welcome to LST.

It may or may not have a meaning. Even if it does have a meaning, it may only have a meaning to the person wearing it.

A lot of people that are new to tattoos try to cram as much "meaning" as possible into their designs. I certainly fell into that category when I first started thinking about getting tattooed. It's a great way to tie yourself in knots and in the end, you often end up with a really contrived idea. Hanging around here taught me something really important: tattoos don't have to have meaning. Once I realised that, I started thinking about designs just because I liked them.

Contrived tattoo with meaning: I want a tree with the names of my kids hidden in the bark and instead of fruit, I want pink diamonds hanging from it to represent my mum and dad and I want one of the diamonds to be crying because my dad's dead.

Non-contrived tattoo without meaning: I want an eagle!

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Couldn't put it better myself, except to say this: tattoos can have meaning without going overboard with them. Sometimes the meaning can come to you without even planning it out. My snake that I got to tie my half sleeve together wasn't really meant to have any meaning to it, but when I thought about it, it is very representative of the people in my life who have snuck up on me and screwed me over, like snakes in the grass. I say get the tattoos that sound cool to you: if there's a meaning, you'll find it along the way!

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