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  • 2 months later...
Really enjoy the look of tattoos when you age! However, are there certain styles that ma be prone to becoming more disfigured?

Sorry I'm not sure how to link to it from my phone, but there's a thread called " what makes a good tattoo" if you do a search for that, you should find tons of good information in there for you.

As a general rule, tattoos with good use of black will age better. But you'll find a much better explanation of that in the thread I mentioned. Sorry this is such a half assed reply, I'm in desperate need of some sleep!

Edit: nevermind, I didn't even realize that @TrixieFaux had already got this covered in another thread.

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Aside from the fact that many prefer aged tattoos...I think that in a way tattoos make the skin appear more youthful? Idk but somehow it draws my attention away from the wrinkles.

Jeez and I wasn't even planning to get a ton done...but if it distracts from wrinkles...who knows. :p

Oh, I do hope so! At 62 I can use any help I can get!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

so I will have to post some of my tattoos from the early 80's,back when tattoo shops were tattoo shops,

no 2 or 4 year waiting list,(give me a break LOL)

no "I only do full back pieces",

no " I don't do color",

no "I don't do cover-ups",

no "my hourly rate is $250", today tattooes cost 2 or 5 or 8 thousand dollars !?!?!?!?? WOW !

no "this or that",

if you want to talk to a tattoo artist,YOU CAN'T ! you get their "assistant" ! LOL really ?!?!?! they're untouchable,people act like they are gods or the something,their shit stinks just like the rest of us.

sailor Jerry would roll over in his grave if he knew what the tattoo world has evolved into.

IMO the state of the tattoo world is a little over the top now,sorry,but that's how I feel.

(let the flames come) LOL

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I personally love the look of big work that has had time to sit in the skin, it is something very intangible that adds heavily to the tattoo itself and the person wearing it.

@Dan I'm really not much for flames, but I can contribute maybe.

I recently had a fun one with pricing a small one shot tattoo. I even reached out about it on this site for advice. I was quoted almost a grand on a small 2 - 2.5 hour one shot from a newish artist. I was caught off guard by the price, and I found out the artist was basically doing a cash grab to help fund a vacation. I was put off by this a lot, and ended up not going to him.

Other than that particular instance I am OK paying for my work. I feel it is what the world of tattooing has become, and since I want to participate in that world I pay the admission. (It's all starbucks fault to me now)

It was much like the shock of dropping $85 to see cannibal corpse when I remember seeing them for $5 in the 90s. But Willie Nelson remembers paying a dime for a dime bag so it is what it is.

BUT, I completely agree with the walk ins, I have had crazy bad luck getting a walk in over the past few months in several shops. I have made several attempts (EACH) to get a fun old school shark, a knee cap dinosaur head, and a panther. ALL remain not on me. One was met with a "Bro, lets do this now!" I was pumped and said lets go, and it became a time crunch and he wouldn't have enough time to finish it the way he would like. I'm cash in hand shrugging my shoulders. I have a nice break from work til sept 8th, lets see what I can get done.

Finally, while I have been greeted by the shop guys, I haven't been turned away from any artists. I believe a lot of that is to filter out the bullshit that walks in everyday that wastes time (dude I totally want a sleeve / back piece / rib piece of something badass, what I'm not leaving a deposit screw that) I have been witness to a lot of this while getting some chair time.

EDIT: Sailor Jerry would roll in his grave if he knew his name was repping some garbage rum.

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