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since there has been a lot of discussion about them over at the Most Painful thread, i thought it might be time to set aside a thread devoted to palm tattooing alone.

i saw a set that Lizzie did and i thought it was extremely beautiful and elegant despite being so simple (and physically, understandably so!) i would be lying if i said i wasn't jealous and didn't wish that it was on me rather than the person in the picture (and i have never wanted hand tattoos before seeing this!)


anyone else seen any that they really love?

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I saw one I really hated the other day- Some d-bag who visited one of my blogs (that featured a picture of my palms) had an almost exact copy of my left palm design put on his palm.

I realize that there's nothing new under the sun, and that I'm not the only person who's ever gotten a stylized Alpha-Omega. But to have seen this guy on my blog several times, and to see the SAME stylized alpha/omega... it got my blood angry!

I'm halfway through an article on palm tattoos, btw- I'll post some of the submitted images when I get back to my laptop!

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since there has been a lot of discussion about them over at the Most Painful thread, i thought it might be time to set aside a thread devoted to palm tattooing alone.

i saw a set that Lizzie did and i thought it was extremely beautiful and elegant despite being so simple (and physically, understandably so!) i would be lying if i said i wasn't jealous and didn't wish that it was on me rather than the person in the picture (and i have never wanted hand tattoos before seeing this!)


anyone else seen any that they really love?

when i first saw this picture on Lizzies facebook page my jaw was on the floor! i love it so much and just like you said Robin i wish it was on me rather than that other guy. i wanted to skip over doing all the other tattoos i had floating around in my head and go straight to my palms. i think quite the opposite on the simplicity/detail front, i think it has just enough and its more detailed then i have seen on any other set of palms. i hope people post more pictures of palm tattoos, i find it so facinating and thanks for starting this thread Robin! (p.s. im like the proudest client of Lizzies ever!!)

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I don't have a photos of these two but one friend of mine has a rose with a few star bursts around it with the script "Love Hurts" under the rose. Also another friend has brass knuckles on his palm. They both say its really hard to have the ink keep in that part of the skin as its so thick.

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For me it was achingly painful for two weeks. Cracking, redness. Hooper walked me through the process of healing with his method- "first it's going to look like it's blowing out. Then it's going to look like it's infected. Then it's going to look like it's fading. Then it's healed". It happened spot on per his synopsis.

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looks like it might just be the way your skin bruises in that area from that particular type of wound? not that you're trying to problem solve, but just a guess for the sake of keeping this conversation going. seems like it's just following the little cracks and crevaces of your skin.

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