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26 with lots of potential!

The only tattoo i have is the one i gave myself, on my forearm, three yrs ago. I really wanted to see how it feels and how it heals, turned out not to bad.(please dont give me scratcher poop, i am ocd when it come to a clean room) I should have took the time in finding a professional, but i had fun and i love it. I spend most of my time tattooing fruit. I really want to start on pig legs from the butcher.

Im currently building my flash portfolio, in search for the right apprenticeship. Ive only been able to apply a few hrs a week but Im hopping to have it compleated by the end of the yr...

Im excited about stumbling acrossbthis sight, i cant wait to hear about everyones experiences

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  • 2 months later...

for the longest, ive wanted to tattoo my skull. starting from the 6th vertebrae up to the top of my frontal lobe and possibly just past my hair line.

I have seen some video of cranium tats, seems they cause all kinds of issues during to the inking...

I would like to hear artist experiences applying the ink and canvas experience during the healing, dose the hair growth affect the healing....

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