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What are your experiences with people's general attitude in the west vs east coast on tattoos?

Probably could break it down more specifically to NW, SW, Midwest, SE, NE

I have always felt that the west coast tends to be more laid back and "new age" compared to the North and the conservative South-maybe excluding FL

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  Jnvlv said:

I have always felt that the west coast tends to be more laid back and "new age" compared to the North and the conservative South-maybe excluding FL

Most definitely this. Not just about tattoos, but about everything. Completely different cultures and mindsets. I grew up on the east coast (D.C.) and have lived on the west (Seattle/Portland), now I'm back on the east. And man, I do miss it back there. I went from pretty liberal cities to a much smaller southern city right in the middle of the bible belt. So far, I've had no problems with my tattoos but that's because everyone here is a transplant and around my age (20s - 30s). So, it's been pretty good.

No negative vibes have come my way, although the tattooed "white collared professional" is pretty much non-existent here.

I believe it is much more local than that. For instance, Asheville, NC is like a little San Francisco with its arts community, and Oak Ridge, TN. I often say that there should be a sign: "Entering Oak Ridge, Leaving Dixie". I am sure there are locales everywhere that don't fit the general culture of the area.

I feel like a lot of it has to do with weather as well. Here in CT, it's not year round sunshine and warmth so people layer up and businesses are not lax on dress because of heat like they are in Arizona.

Also consider the law. Massachusetts banned tattooing from 1962-2000 due to Hep C scares and unsanitary practices going on. Now the industry is pretty heavily regulated. IF you are under 18 and want a tattoo, it's kind of random on how some states require parental consent and others say no tattooing for minors no matter what and it is even a crime if you do it or offer it to a minor.

All I can really speak for is New England and Arizona/California as I have been and lived in both areas. They are just so different in culture-politics aside-there is just different history. Also, like sighthound said, a lot of people in the West are transplants and most people in New England have been there forever and with the exception of Boston, no one moves here from around the country/world

I grew up in the southeast, and I think there's a lot of bad-quality work there. So many crosses. All the "only god can judge me"s. Beer-drinking good ol' boys with the sleeves cut off their t-shirts exposing something gnarly tattooed on their biceps. Tribal. Again, from my experience, tattoos are seen as "trashy" in the southeast more than anywhere else in the U.S., but I am probably judging the area harshly because of my own experiences there, haha.

Incidentally, Miami might be its own ecosystem -- I've never been there, but I imagine the tattoo scene there is distinct from, for example, the middle of Alabama.

I grew up in Boston. When @TrixieFaux & I started to get visibly tattooed my mom was all like "Well you can't move back to the East Coast now." As if nobody has tattoos east of the Mississippi. It's true that tattoos were illegal in Massachusetts while I was growing up. (You had to drive up to New Hampshire.) But people are definitely catching up.

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