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Having gotten into collecting tattoos, I've a new found appreciation and fondness of peonies. Currently wear three different peonies from three different artists (Henning, Rubendall, Wendy Pham) and will definitely be adding more in the future. I would love to see different interpretations of peonies collected from different artists or hear who you think does nice peonies. I'm kicking around the idea of sleeving my knee and lower leg in peonies, either from one artist or a collection of artists. I'll share two artists off the bat that have been recommended to me:

Matt Deverson from Australia:


Rodrigo Souto working in the UK and is actually coming out with a peony book!


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Love it!

I've got peonies on one of my arms behind some spiritual cranes.

Also a pair of peonies on each knee...get it? Pee-knees...yes hilarious

What I love about peonies is that you can contrast the colours between the inside and outside of the leaves. And make that contrast as subtle or wild as you'd like. Purple/Blue, orange/bubblegum-pink, white/mint-green, orange, red, blue, neon-pink, make em nice and fluffy haha

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@Iwar the white pigment most of the horitoshi family uses is made by Dr.Claw (Matt) at Diamond Club. The company name is el Blanco ink. Junii and Bill are part of the family hence there access. You can almost always tell who is horitoshi family by their peonies
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