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So I bought a tattoo gun in my early teens and soon started to "practice" on myself. I kept the "practice" on my upper thighs so no one could see even when I wore shorts. But now it has just turned into a mess. I fully understand that it wasn't a great idea in the first place. But, it is what it is now and I need some advice. What could be done to sort of blend this all together. Would it be better to get one huge coverup? I don't really care if it looks "awesome". No one sees it but my wife and myself. It does bother me that none of it flows together. So any ideas?





- - - Updated - - -

The color that you see was recently done in an attempt to bring it all together. the pictures were taken right after being tattooed.

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Thank you for discussing what must be a sensitive topic for you. That takes some courage to ask for help, and shows more wisdom than was being used when you decided to tattoo yourself.

A lot of people may look down on you, but this will serve as a warning for anyone who thinks doing stuff like this is a good idea. The only other positive thing I have to say is that you hopefully were only tattooing yourself.

My suggestion would be to throw your "gun" away. Find and ask a good artist what you should do, and go from there.

I am a noob and all, but I do think these don't look that bad, I would stop at a reputable shop, you can conjure up ideas together. For my first tattoo that is what I did, My artist was great. I think things will run flush together with a little work with a reputable artist. Since they are close to the same area on both legs you could get a full cover up on both sides to conjoin when your legs are together maybe? In my opinion, I wouldn't do any laser treatment, you could definitely work with this. These are not bad looking, Believe me some of my friends "home fried" tattoos out here in the boonies of Tennessee are definitely worse. You haven't seen bad until you have seen some real rednecky stuff done around here. Good luck friend. If you want full cover ups I think it is more than possible.

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