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Hi everybody my name is Ryan. Much of my High School years was robbed by depression and loneliness. I went to college and really grew up, but i dont think you should ever stop trying to improve yourself. You should always be striving to better yourself. I dont plan on stopping. I want to get a tattoo so that i wake up in the morning and look at it, it will remind me to strive to better. I was thinking my first tattoo be a picture depicting these lines "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" I was thinking of getting it on my shoulder. What picture do you think would be a good representation of this?

I'm not sure if i should be posting this here, but what do you all think about this? Is this corny or feminine?

Do you think girls will be attracted to this? Part of me wants to be more bad to be attractive to hotter girls

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Hi Ryan, welcome to the forums.

I will recommend that you hang out, soak in some art, and figure out what a good tattoo looks like.

We can't tell you what to get, but we can point you to good shops one you decide what you want.

Please peruse




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Do you think girls will be attracted to this? Part of me wants to be more bad to be attractive to hotter girls

You don't really want to be attracting the kind of person that falls for this. If anyone does.

I'm guessing that plenty of people on here, myself included, developed an interest in tattoos partly because of seeing them on cool people when we were young and impressionable (however you want to define cool) - but when the motivation for getting them is that transparent, it tends not to work. Take @Pleadco's advice...

-Sincerely, a girl

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Another lady here...

Don't get a tattoo to "attract women" or "look bad" for women it won't work out the way you want it to be. Tattoos are for you - they are on you - do not get them with the goal of satisfying someone else. And, beauty fades - remember that.

Wait a bit, see where you end up as your post-high-school self - a lot changes in a short amount of time.

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I'm a newbie too and got a single sailor tattoo on my left shoulder.

I like that u're honest and confess u wanna be more attractive to hotter girls.

Moreover it is only ur secondary motivation, the 1st being it to carry one good advice about life.

U want to boost ur opinion of self-fulfillment and ur self-confidence with a tattoo that reminds u to do the things u care for in ur own life, and makes u feel more attractive.

I think ur motivations are as good as they get, but I'm a newbie so I'd still listen carefully to the positive comments above to make sure ur tattoo is as beautiful as ur motivations.

- - -

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

- - -

The simplest approach I can think of is depicting the opposition between

What makes YOUR comfort zone?


And what are the things that scare YOU or that YOU want to do or achieve to feel like living really?

As a not very smart but very clear example, if ur comfort zone resumes itself to ur sofa cause u never leave it much, and u always wanted to jump out of an airplane but never did for this & that reasons, u could have a man plunging with a chute from a sofa-with-wings flying away in the sunset...

Then u google tattoos with a plane and a guy jumping, maybe army paratrooper tattoos, whatever stuff that relates, or that doesn't relate, u need to find a graphic style that u think would fit the tattoo.

Then draw it, as best as u can, it don't have to look good yet.

Then check a few nearby (or far away) tattoo artist's artworks, find one that u think is a match.

Then wear a tanker all the time and make sure it is clearly visible from where the hot girls stand lol..

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A powerful dragon is a good solution for most problems.


Having a tattoo wont help with us women but the process of getting one could quite possibly help you with yourself.

The quotey thing is not such a good plan, TBH, for a myriad of reasons. But, by all means apply that sentiment to taking full ownership of your body by tattooing it, if you will. No need at all to be literal or cryptic, spending the next 50 years explaining will be a pain the ass.

Go for something big, powerful and protective, indeed. Panther, dragon, eagle, whatever. Something you find visually appealing.

I would take it further, and recommend a vasectomy.

This, to my mind, is unnecessary, cuntish bullying.

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Don't get a tattoo as a vague screw you to high school.

I am sorry you battled depression but don't be that guy that can't/ won't mentally move forward from high school.

While it sounds like a joke; if you want something at the end of you comfort zone listen to @BrianH and get a big ass dragon or blast an eagle on your chest.

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I like that u're honest and confess u wanna be more attractive to hotter girls.

Moreover it is only ur secondary motivation, the 1st being it to carry one good advice about life.

U want to boost ur opinion of self-fulfillment and ur self-confidence with a tattoo that reminds u to do the things u care for in ur own life, and makes u feel more attractive.

Bingo. Thank you. Yes first and foremost a tattoo i hope will motivate me to be a better person.

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Bingo. Thank you. Yes first and foremost a tattoo i hope will motivate me to be a better person.

Maybe you can get a feather bursting into little doves on your ribs?

Or an upside down anchor on you wrist that says never sink?

Or an infinity symbol with something written in one of the loops?

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This, to my mind, is unnecessary, cuntish bullying.

Fair enough. I enjoy your wording btw, cunt is such an expressive word. It should be used more often.

What I was getting at was the fact that getting a tattoo in order to improve your odds of getting laid is a terrible idea.

A few posts ago you (ryan) mentioned getting one as a way of improving yourself or motivation to do so. That's a much better way of seeing it.

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[...] What I was getting at was the fact that getting a tattoo in order to improve your odds of getting laid is a terrible idea. [...]

Ryan starts his 1st thread being 100% honest, he's due some honesty in return...

Who wouldn't want a tattoo that does just that?

If u lack confidence with hot women, like a guy I know, and feel a tattoo is just what u need to be more daring towards them, then get a big dragon, panther or eagle indeed.

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The number one thing to remember about hot women is that they are the same as other women. Sometimes, they just work on their appearance more and are better with makeup. Because of physical beauty, they often actually have fewer invitations for dates by non-creeps. Suck it up, and get to know them, then ask them out! If there are a bunch of them tied to something like work, volunteer work, etc. (A friend got into beauty contestant entrant circles, and dated local and state winners for years) they will pass the word if you are interesting and know how to behave. But, you need it inside - not on the skin.

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[...] you need it inside - not on the skin.

Interesting theory. U sure ur friend wasn't hiring escorts? They sure pass the word...

Just teasing. I see ur point, I'm timid and it feels great when I succeed to stand up and go to that woman, it does come from inside indeed.

But if u're all pimped out with a 5000$ suit, the latest Rolex, and tattoos poking out everywhere, you may feel more confident than when caught on ur moped with ur flip flops.

I'm glad for ur friend, but the timid guys can use a bit of pimping. One can't just turn from timid to rockstar, but getting a cool tattoo can make one feel a bit closer.

A bit like getting a big motorcycle.


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But if u're all pimped out with a 5000$ suit, the latest Rolex, and tattoos poking out everywhere, you may feel more confident than when caught on ur moped with ur flip flops.

I'd take moped and flip flops guy. Rolex and wanky suit guy sounds... well... wanky. :p

Ryan, you have the benefit here of many "hot girls" who are into tattoos responding to your post (at least I imagine everyone who posts on LST to be a beautiful person. Right?) Getting a tattoo is not going to make a difference. Your personality and confidence will. By all means get an awesome tattoo, but do it for yourself. That is way cooler than getting a tattoo that you perceive will make you cool in the eyes of someone else. Girls can sniff that crap out really easily, and it is a huge turn off. No-one likes a try hard. Being true to yourself and being comfortable in your own skin is attractive.

Anyway, in response to what you actually asked... phoenix? Classic subject, awesome to look at, carries the sentiment of the quote without being a quote...

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If you can afford $5000 suits and Rolex watches, you can afford to pay for the services of the women they would attract.

Yes, but I'd rather not pay.

Don't understand the big motorcycle comment.

I see u have a big bike.

I don't know about u, but when choosing mine, I selected according tons of technical, practical, esthetic reasons, but here and there, a little bit, I also wondered how would it look from a hot girl perspective. It didn't play a major role in my decision, but I did consider it.

That's probably what a wanky try-hard would say but I don't think it makes me a wanky try-hard.

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