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So if a tattoo artist charges $150 per hour, how much of that goes to the artist and how much goes to the store where he/she works?

How many PAID hours a week does your typical tattoo artist work?

Curious to find out...

That's for that tattoo artist to know, and for no one else other than maybe their employer to find out. One of the very first rules of this forum is not discussing money as far as how much people charge for a tattoo... this question is by far rude and out of bounds. If some random person at Burger King asked for a copy of your tax return, would you take kindly to it? Honestly, if I were a mod, I would lock/delete this thread as soon as seeing it, and let you know how thin of ice you'd be treading on for asking this question.

And to give a slight hint as to an answer, not as much as they charge you up front. No matter what they take home per hour (which is nowhere close to what you're charged), they also have to buy their own equipment (which isn't cheap, if it's good), provide transportation if they travel a lot, pay for any insurance they may have (health, car, etc.), etc. etc. etc. You don't get rich as a tattooer... Hardly any even get to be well off. Just varying levels of comfort, if you're fortunate.

You've not read this forum much, then, clearly. How about this, send me a full on break down of your fiscal year's bank statements, and I'll happily not read then and tell you nothing, because it's none of your business how much we make, and none of mine how much you make. Sound fair?

You've not read this forum much, then, clearly. How about this, send me a full on break down of your fiscal year's bank statements, and I'll happily not read then and tell you nothing, because it's none of your business how much we make, and none of mine how much you make. Sound fair?

I'mm not asking for SPECIFIC numbers, I'm asking PERCENTAGES. So a tattooer makes $X per hour, what percentage of that is his and how much is the shops?

It's not REALLY that intrusive...

If a tattooer charges $X per hour, he usually takes home $Y after paying a Z% shop cut. It's simple algebra, I'm sure you can extrapolate from there.

SMH, I'm sure TONS of people would like to know the breakdown of this...

Sorry I dare tread on holy ground...

Tons of people do want to know. And you know what? IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS EITHER. I have close friends that I've known literally my entire life that I don't tell things like this. I also don't tell them why my machines run differently than one another, or what makes one type of pigment different from another, or anything else that's a part of my trade that is none of their business.

Drop the question, learn to know that some things aren't your business, and move on to the next topic. I'm sure it'll be enlightening and full of great contributions.

- - - Updated - - -

And to quit being obtuse and give you an answer, the average tattooer charges between $50 and $500 an hour. After paying a shop cut of between 1% and 99%, they usually take home between $15.78 and $3,000,000,000,000 a year, before taxes.

Tons of people do want to know. And you know what? IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS EITHER. I have close friends that I've known literally my entire life that I don't tell things like this. I also don't tell them why my machines run differently than one another, or what makes one type of pigment different from another, or anything else that's a part of my trade that is none of their business.

Drop the question, learn to know that some things aren't your business, and move on to the next topic. I'm sure it'll be enlightening and full of great contributions.

- - - Updated - - -

And to quit being obtuse and give you an answer, the average tattooer charges between $50 and $500 an hour. After paying a shop cut of between 1% and 99%, they usually take home between $15.78 and $3,000,000,000,000 a year, before taxes.

Man, I have seen some pompous, self absorbed, self important forums before but this place definitely takes the cake...

I think I will go get a coy fish being caught by a dragon in traditional japanese style so you guys will find me worthy...geez.


Fuck this guy. We give way too many people here the benefit of the doubt.

I actually liked that movie. Normally I'm not a fan of those documentary, or found footage type films, but that one had enough B camp going on to make it pretty entertaining.

@Graeme Yes. Troll.

And, why is it that so so so many people think that knowledge and information should be spoon fed to them? No work, no research, no investment or time spent on their end; yet they expect others to provide what they want to know with no questions asked. I blame it on the internet.

@Graeme Yes. Troll.

And, why is it that so so so many people think that knowledge and information should be spoon fed to them? No work, no research, no investment or time spent on their end; yet they expect others to provide what they want to know with no questions asked. I blame it on the internet.

Welcome to teaching for a living...

But for serious, I want to turn this thread into pictures of coy fish tattoos.

Thread locked!

We do not discuss finances, tips, or green soap budget for that matter here @anomaly1964. Read the newbie guidelines, and please try to read between the lines instead of looking for loopholes. I'm sure you had an idea of how a question like that would be welcomed here. If you don't respect our guidelines you are more than welcome to leave.

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