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Hey I got a newb question - I'm really diggin' the idea of an Indian Girl head on my shoulder

but not for any symbolic reason, I just think they look good. I figure there

are plenty of you with Japanese or Sailor themed tats that aren't Japanese or Sailors right?

Is there some kind of symbolism I should know about before I consider? I know it's a dumb

question but whatever, I'd appreciate a sincere answer. LOL

Thanks in advance.

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Try this thread @shinobi:http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/5481-cultural-appropriation-tattoos.html

You'll see that the issue has been discussed a lot around here, and it usually ends badly. Its a good question to ask, though.

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  Mark Bee said:
Try this thread @shinobi:http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/5481-cultural-appropriation-tattoos.html

You'll see that the issue has been discussed a lot around here, and it usually ends badly. Its a good question to ask, though.

Thanks Mark, reading it now..

So far it looks like I'm going to be a culturally insensitive jerk

since I'm considering a sugar skull too.

- - - Updated - - -

I suppose it would give me some encouragement to hear from others like me

who chose the design despite not being Native American as well.

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I want, and totally plan on getting, something native american themed.

Somewhat related, I also have a sugar skull (like 7 million other white people i know)

Nobody has ever called me racist, insensitive, or anything of that nature because of it. I think it's all in how you approach it, and display it.

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  OutOfIdeas said:
I want, and totally plan on getting, something native american themed.

Somewhat related, I also have a sugar skull (like 7 million other white people i know)

Nobody has ever called me racist, insensitive, or anything of that nature because of it. I think it's all in how you approach it, and display it.

People won't do that to your face.especially if you're tattooed.

It's like the old joke about PETA throwing paint on old ladies wearing fur coats, but never bikers wearing leather.

Edit: "culturally insensitive" is a lame term only used by white people judging other white people just get what you like and respect it

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I think @gougetheeyes brought up interviewing a Native American tattooer and discussing his take on Indian-themed tattoos. (At least I think it was gouge who mentioned this; I don't feel like rereading that earlier thread). This is something I would be interested in reading, with the understanding, of course, that one person can't speak for an entire diverse group of people.

I think the subtext of these discussions frankly has little to do with tattooing, a lot of the time. Also, we are a politically diverse bunch on here. But I do appreciate tattooers who are thoughtful about their use of symbols that are sacred or otherwise important to other cultures - for instance the evident care that Chad K. puts into his Hindu deities. It sounds like you're already on the right track in thinking about it before you put it on your body.

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  shinobi said:
Hey I got a newb question - I'm really diggin' the idea of an Indian Girl head on my shoulder

but not for any symbolic reason, I just think they look good. I figure there

are plenty of you with Japanese or Sailor themed tats that aren't Japanese or Sailors right?

Is there some kind of symbolism I should know about before I consider? I know it's a dumb

question but whatever, I'd appreciate a sincere answer. LOL

Thanks in advance.

I have two Indian girl heads, one on each shoulder. I am not Native American.

I just think they look rad. One from Hector Fong and one from Eli Quinters.

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There's no right or wrong answer, but it's tricky given our country's less than hospitable history with its indigenous peoples. In my mind, an Indian girl head isn't so much a Native-American image like a thunderbird as it is American traditional. For some, an overly sexualized image like a nekkid Indian girl pinup could be seen as offensive whereas a beautiful face would not. There's a line to be crossed but it's not always so clear where that line is. For example, I find this: (Cleveland Indians mascot) <a  href=200px-Cleveland_Indians_logosvg.png' alt to be way more offensive than this (Chicago Blackhawks): 507px-ChicagoBlackhawksLogosvg.png

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  taaarro said:
Sorry to kind of derail this conversation, but I've been wondering... why is it cool to get the "coolie" with the knife through his head? It seems like a much more violent and overtly racist, but nevertheless very popular american traditional tattoo image.

I'm assuming that coolie means Viet Kong. If I'm wrong, correct me, but I think it is because it was a popular, patriotic thing to do in the 40s and 50s, with the war and all. Not to say that I am for getting a dead kong tattoo, because I think it's highly offensive. I think the image is completely out of place in today's tattoo vocabulary.

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  Myles said:
I'm assuming that coolie means Viet Kong. If I'm wrong, correct me, but I think it is because it was a popular, patriotic thing to do in the 40s and 50s, with the war and all. Not to say that I am for getting a dead kong tattoo, because I think it's highly offensive. I think the image is completely out of place in today's tattoo vocabulary.

It might have come to symbolize Viet Cong, but "coolie" is a racist slur that originates in the 19th century, when chinese immigrants were brought over to the U.S. and built the transcontinental railroad during the Californian Gold Rush. It's like (but not the same as, I know) getting a picture of an African slave's head with a dagger through it, which I think most people would agree is beyond the pale.

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