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Hey Everyone,

I'm new here. My name is Brian, I'm 30 years old, from California but moved to Brooklyn a few years ago and really enjoy the city.

I'm interested in tattoos as a very deliberate collector.

As for my tattoos, currently I have two small tattoos on either side of my ribs. They are figures, inspired by cave paintings. I got them when I was 18, with a lot of thought about doing it, rather than thought about finding a great artists. So they ended up being significant to me but nothing special to look at. I was young. After that experience, I patiently waited until now to get some larger work done. I have two appointments coming up that I am very excited about, and a lot of free space!

First appointment I booked is with Grez at Kings Ave. I really love his work. My loose idea is todo some animals on my left arm, in the inspired by natural history illustrations. Those appointments start toward the end of the year. Second appointment I booked, I feel so lucky about. I'm going to Italy for my first vacation in years, coming up here in July. I figured might as well just see if Rudy Fritsch had any openings that I could make and he happened to. So I booked that right away. I love how bold his style is, and particularly the buildings he does. So I've asked to do that. Even though my Italian is spotty at best, I'm really excited to jump into the deep end get tattooed not far from where ancestors lived (and probably also got tattooed).

Anyway, that's me. The forum is great. Thanks for having me.

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Welcome! Having been tattooed by Grez,I can say he was one of the best tattooers that I've gotten work from.And Good choice with Rudy too.I would like to go to Italy someday too,just to eat my way up & down the country.You may want to check out Miss Arianna in Italy too.She does nice bold work in the same style.


At the risk of sounding incredibly stupid, what is a "sight hound"? Is something to do with breeds like greyhounds and whippets?

Yeah, they're dogs that hunt by sight instead of other senses like smell, and include breeds like greyhounds, whippets, deerhounds, wolfhounds, etc.

@Axelsdad Awesome! Love whippets. I have an unknown mix who is predominately some kind of hound. He's got a beagle-ish head and face but is built like a sight hound and has all the personality and temperament of one, too. Pretty much a rug indoors but get outside and he's zipping around like a bee.

@Graeme greyhounds are awesome, too. Such great dogs and plenty of retired racers out there for everyone lol.

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