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I'm so sorry Mark.

I was going to bitch about my "worst week ever" at work (I didn't get fired, but everything upon everything was going wrong, I was late to everything, and had migraine and post-migraine symptoms for the entire week which definitely affected my work-performance.) I'll chalk it up to a bad week and hope that this upcoming week will be better, can't win 'em all...

I just had a big blow up with my dad's wife Friday night. At first he was on my side, but now he's on hers. He also suggested I have anger issues.

On the plus side though, I no longer have to be cordial or pretend to like her anymore.

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@idyllsend. Good to see you find a positive in a shitty situation.

I haven't had a shitty moment for like 3 months now.

A while back I was hitting massive lows, then highs. Hitting massive depression to the point I thought I was doing my head in, not sleeping, struggling with past experience and addiction issues.

An old brother talked me out from seeing a Dr and making the decision to seek prescription medication, but I knew I fkn needed something because the lows were becoming much more intense and for longer periods.

Then I discovered s herbal tab, St Johns Wort. Aids in regulating mood, focus and solid sleep. I take 1 cap every morning with my multi and krill and I swear, NO lows or highs. A consistent even mood and happy as fuck...like its constant. I wish I discovered this shit earlier.

"Booze, Blues & Tattoos"

Stood by while a dear friend breathed her last today. Surrounded by family and friends, gone to be with her husband. Still not a fun time. I'll be a pall bearer and have had to reschedule my appointment from Saturday to next Friday. Anything for her. She was very dear to me and a reason that I kept going to that church was to be able to take her when she felt like it. Set her husband Preston (in the dictionary under "commitment" it says - see Preston Hampton) on me the first Sunday I went there, fresh out of the Navy. I sat with them until the pew would no longer hold our combined family. Our youngest daughter sat with her most nights for the last month or two.

Also, four fine folks were "downsized" here today, plus one kind of forced-retirement.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Its a terrible thing. Right now I am spending my time after work (and before work) with my aunt who is currently dying in a hospital ward downtown. I've been her closest relative and caregiver for a decade. I can't believe its coming to an end. I can't believe I'm losing such a huge part of my life. That may sound selfish, as she is the one who will die, but I can't help but think of what a massive change I'm undergoing too. She is remarkable and is in oddly good spirits. I think she has been ready for this moment for a while. I don't think I can make myself ready though. This has been a shitty few weeks.

It's not selfish to acknowledge the huge impact that this will have on your life. It's hard enough that she is family, but spending so much of your life caring for her just compounds the loss.

I lost my mom to cancer, and I know how hard it is to see a loved one slip away. I also know the amount of bravery it takes to stick with them till the end. You are much stronger than you may think right now, and you'll make it through.

It's not selfish to acknowledge the huge impact that this will have on your life. It's hard enough that she is family, but spending so much of your life caring for her just compounds the loss.

I lost my mom to cancer, and I know how hard it is to see a loved one slip away. I also know the amount of bravery it takes to stick with them till the end. You are much stronger than you may think right now, and you'll make it through.

Thank you. I appreciate that very much.

Augh, I am sorry @Mark Bee, and to everyone on this thread who is going through hard times these days. I don't talk about this much, but I have been dealing with some scary health issues for the past year or so, that really came to a head in the past couple of months, and it has been a hard and sad and shitty slog. You are all good people whose loved ones are lucky to have (or have had) you. And I hope that things get easier for all of us soon.

Every person that we meet, communicate with, etc. becomes part of us whether intentional or not. Those that we spend time with and care for become large parts, and loosing them is a big personal loss.

It is easier to say goodbye to a Christian, because I know that to them, their belief is that they are gaining and it is only painful to them to miss us for a time. I am sure that others have similar ways to cope with death. I have seen those that do not have such firmly held beliefs also. I feel so sorry for them as it is very terrifying and final to them.

Mark, I do hope that you and your aunt have such beliefs that give comfort. Friends and those on the forum can help a little with words.

Thanks, we were supposed to see her and her 2 year old son on Sunday for our trip to the pumpkin patch. Apparently she was dealing with a deep depression and decided to end things.

Luckily the boy was with his dad.

Edit: been doing emotional triage with my wife and kids while they try to wrap their heads around the whole thing. It's a tough thing to explain to kids who are so care free how someone could be so sad and lost that they would not want to be alive.

Rolled over to look at the clock this morning and tweaked my lower back. Been in pain down to my knees since. Teaching today was tough to concentrate. I'm setting with the wife this evening watching American Pickers as the cloud from hydrocodone closes over me. Tattoo appointment tomorrow evening I will NOT miss! I have never had lower back issues before. This sucks!

Thru the ether from my LP2

Edit: been doing emotional triage with my wife and kids while they try to wrap their heads around the whole thing. It's a tough thing to explain to kids who are so care free how someone could be so sad and lost that they would not want to be alive.

Horrible. The triaging is the best thing you can possibly do for them right now. Along with lots of hugs. I can't imagine, but I'll keep you in my thoughts that you have the strength to do so.

Things have taken a weird turn. The aunt for whom I am a caregiver and whom I have been spending time in the hospital as she fades has had a turn of events.

Her kidneys had stopped and that was the end. But, two nights ago, they started working again. The doctors were astounded. After a second day and a battery of tests, they moved her from palliative care into "recuperation." Today they were talking about physio to get her back on her feet. They are talking about when they can release her to come home.

Who knows how long this will last, but I've never seen anything like it.

I am stunned by such a dramatic turn of events. Family had come from across North America to say goodbye. We had the bedside vigil going. And now, well, for now at least a few more happy days and weeks. Hopefully years.

- - - Updated - - -

@Pleadco I just saw your post. I am so sorry to hear about what you and yours have been going through. You have lots of support and best wishes from me.

@markbee that's righteous dude. It's always great to make the doctors scratch their heads. Let her know that there are better ways to get her family to visit, sheesh.

Thanks for the support also. I had a different family member make an attempt last year, and this is just a reminder to be there for her, and to cherish life along with the people in it.


  • 3 weeks later...

It just takes once, @pidjones. I got out of bed one day and threw a hip out of place. My lower back has never been the same since.

Lately I'm sewing and sewing and SEWING... Halloween's coming up and while it's my second-favorite holiday, I HATE costume prep. Cardboard is a terrible medium to work with, but it's the easiest way to costume a wheelchair - oldest child is non-mobile. This year he wants to be a Dalek, and it took me all week to get the cardboard parts to stay together. (Lesson learned: glue first, then paint, and that way there is no sewing cardboard bits together with yarn.) His will be finished tomorrow, and then I get to start on the younger child's costume. There may or may not be time to finish mine by Friday, but as long as the kids' are done, I'll be happy.

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