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My post-graduate assignment (which will hopefully not be shitty). Why does writing an essay feel like pulling teeth sometimes? Well, getting started does, anyway. I've been researching articles for weeks and now I have 24hrs to crap this thing out into Word.

I've been marking undergrad papers - its not shitty, but it can be a little overwhelming when the stack is so large it threatens to block out the sun! For what its worth, I always find essay writing painful. Oddly satisfying, but painful. Good luck with your paper.

I've just been buried at work with bullshit politics and taking care of my wife who has pancreatic cancer. I make good money and all, have great benefits, etc., but everything is wearing on me. Just hoping for a better outcome with everything.


  Colored Guy said:
I've just been buried at work with bullshit politics and taking care of my wife who has pancreatic cancer. I make good money and all, have great benefits, etc., but everything is wearing on me. Just hoping for a better outcome with everything.


I'm really sorry. Feeling worn down when you have intense stuff going on is the worst. I hope that you are managing to find a bit of chill out time for you to recharge.

  Zillah said:
I'm really sorry. Feeling worn down when you have intense stuff going on is the worst. I hope that you are managing to find a bit of chill out time for you to recharge.

I have a good support group with family and friends, but am planning on some tattoo work within the next month.

Hahaaha this thread. I've been drinking too much (..forever) and now seriously toying with sobriety. Thank god my wife was there as my handler this weekend at a friend's wedding and got me back to our hotel before I could fight the entire place because my sunglasses went missing. I'm a gem sometimes.

  Colored Guy said:
I've just been buried at work with bullshit politics and taking care of my wife who has pancreatic cancer. I make good money and all, have great benefits, etc., but everything is wearing on me. Just hoping for a better outcome with everything.


Hey Rob - That's rough. Wishing you and your wife all the best.

  gougetheeyes said:
Hahaaha this thread. I've been drinking too much (..forever) and now seriously toying with sobriety. Thank god my wife was there as my handler this weekend at a friend's wedding and got me back to our hotel before I could fight the entire place because my sunglasses went missing. I'm a gem sometimes.

Yeah... went through something similar. I was embarrassing myself all the time. Had to give it up- 10 years sober last July...

  Colored Guy said:
I've just been buried at work with bullshit politics and taking care of my wife who has pancreatic cancer. I make good money and all, have great benefits, etc., but everything is wearing on me. Just hoping for a better outcome with everything.


Sorry to hear that Rob, I wish you both the best.

Personally, I've been struggling for a bit. I left a lame job in my hometown which I had grown to hate, and it's been an uphill battle.

Encountered more than my share of setbacks; shady people, shady jobs, being straight lied to about jobs. Being broke constantly while somehow keeping the bills paid, but living in my car for a month or so (not any more luckily)

Now I've taken a bit of a chance. Im going to a 4 week trade school to get my CDL. Always wanted to drive, but never had a means to get the CDL. Now I'm shit broke, have a student loan to pay off, and the next month will be interesting (no idea how im gonna pay these bills; anyone wanna buy some crack?? Joke, joke!)

Might sound like I made a dumb decision, but if I just survive this next month, I'll have a skill set that will land me a good paying job. No more unskilled labor, and being treated accordingly. After a year of over the road, I should be able to find a good local job, just about wherever I want, and make a good wage.

Here's to hoping the second part of this belongs in the positive things thread, and not this one, cause this month will be stressful enough...

My 2 year old daughter has an appointment with an endocrinologist on Friday to try to figure out why despite a super healthy diet she has gained 25 pounds in a year. A 50 pound 2 year old will get you nothing but stares and snickers. I really hope we're finally able to get some answers.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk

  OutOfIdeas said:
Here's to hoping the second part of this belongs in the positive things thread, and not this one, cause this month will be stressful enough...

I hope so too. That sounds really rough, you've seen some tough times :(

Sending best wishes and good fortune to you...

@radiofreejenn best of luck to you, and her!

@Zillah thanks! Its had bad moments, but definately had some damn good times as well! And learned a few things about myself, and life, so thats good as well.

@Nassica probably doesn't count for much, coming from an internet stranger, but I'm very, very sorry for your loss. Hold on, and remember them at their best as much as possible. And lean on anyone and everyone you can for support, thats what people who care about us are for

  Tesseracts said:
I'm catching up on an assignment I left until the last minute, and I've been counting calories so I'm hungry a lot. Also trying to get a real job and generally have a life that doesn't suck.

I'm just starting the calorie counting too. Long walks and lots of being hungry. It will get easier in time.

Cleaning up kid vomit. My 10 year old is sick, and my two nieces staying with us from Vietnam (3yrs, and 11 months) have just been sick, so there's vomit, vomit, everywhere...

I'm actually looking forward to going to work.

Edited by Zillah
  Zillah said:
Cleaning up kid vomit. My 10 year old is sick, and my two nieces staying with us from Vietnam (3yrs, and 11 months) have just been sick, so there's vomit, vomit, everywhere...

I'm actually looking forward to going to work.

I can sympathize! My 3, 2, and 4 month old all got a bug and throw up was everywhere. It was horrible for 3 days or so...then my hubby got sick, then my MIL...I was spared so I could clean everything I suppose.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk

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