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I have two and my boyfriend doesn't have any. I just got my second a few weeks back. I didn't even think to ask him if me getting another tattoo was a problem. Purely because he doesn't have any. When we did speak about it he said of course not, I think tattoos are cool… They're just not for me.

I absolutely could date somebody and see myself spending the rest of my life with somebody who does not have tattoos, as long as they don't have a problem with my continuing to get new tattoos as time goes on.

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My boyfriend has zero interest in getting tattooed or really even setting foot in a tattoo shop. I think he feels slightly alienated by and uncomfortable about the whole thing, though he seems to have turned a corner and mostly just makes (gentle) fun of me about it now. I can see how it would be pretty intense to watch your partner willingly submit to something painful & permanent if you're not into it.

We're already a bit out of the ordinary to onlookers since we're an interracial couple of a type you don't see that often, and he's older than me, so nobody's going to notice whether or not we're both tattooed.

His mother will never ever see my tattoos.

It's reassuring to see that so many people on here have untattooed partners. I'm a little concerned about his reaction down the road, but for now we're fine.

And I'm still the better one at money management :p

Some parts of a couple aren't into it at all. My wife says she will never get one, but she likes them on me. My brother has none, but his wife has a few and is getting more. It would be nice to have a partner that you can share it with though.


I was plainskinned when I first met my now wife, but we didn't start dating for a few years after that. She had one small and simple tattoo on her ribs, now has three, all simple outlines, which she loves. I've now got half squidpants (did we agree squidshorts was a thing?), one side of my ribs and both upper arms nearly filled. I feel really lucky to have someone in my life who appreciates them. We have always been supportive of each other's desire for more tattoos, as well as the divergent styles they often take.

Today she was talking about a coherent upper arm (thanks @HaydenRose , best term IMO since squidpants) and I would love to go through that process with her. Hopefully one day she will be helping me cream my backpiece! Forget painting a house together, this is the stuff memories are made of 

Edited by Orangutango
Credit where it's due!

Another one with a plainskinned partner here!

I've just recently started getting tattooed and I only have 8 (all on the one upper arm) but plenty of plans for more. My husband loves and appreciates my tattoos almost as much as I do but it's just not his thing (yet?). I secretly find that quite pleasing, I think I like that being tattooed is my thing rather than our thing, mind you we do have the children, that surely is a grand collaboration ;)

I won't be original here: my wife has no tattoo and will never get one.

She knew me plainskinned and after 6 years of relationship (married after 3 years) I decided to jump into the body art and get some tattoos. Since 5 years, I continue this fantastic journey by adding more and more pieces. Now my arms are all covered, I have an half back and some tattoo on chest and belly.

I'm aware I have "transformed" my body but as she is my sweet heart, she knows I'm still the same inside.. she noticed and understood my ink virus.

At beginning I decided to "brainstorm" with her to draw my first tattoo projects but after some mind differences (My wife really disagreed my great white shark tattoo but I of course get it anyway) I finally decided to make my tattoo without her opinion. So she get the surprise (good or bad) each time I come back from the tattoo shop....

I won't say she is fond of tattoo but I assume she is certainly appreciating most of my tattoo's.. she's accepting my passion because she loves me. But forget the

idea to bring her into a tattoo convention.

PS: I just remember that in the beginning, she said "OK to tattoo the top of your body ONLY"... but now I'm starting the legs :cool:

But my best fans of my tattoo's are indeed my kids (4 and 6 years)... The ambulance tattoo received a awesome welcome at home.. they want to see it all the time..

My wife and I both get tattooed, we give each other money/gift certificates for tattoos as well as saving our on money. I've been there each time she was tattooed but I've been tattooed several times alone.

Being and getting tattooed is something I'm glad we share together.

My wife & mother of our two children has no tattoos nor the desire to get tattooed & has no interest in seeing or hearing about when I add to my collection. She basically doesn't give a f*ck, nor gives a f*ck what other peoples reactions are.

I met her heavily tattooed, & now suited, she just sees it as a normal progression in something I've dedicated the best part of my life to.

We go further than just skin deep.

I asked him to tell me if he genuinely found it unattractive and he said it was "fine." Which is not a great word to use in discussions about your relationship.

I never really thought about being as heavily covered as I am......so make sure he really is okay with it doll just in case you decide you want to add more and more in the future!

There are plenty of people who are totally fine with tattoos BUT it just isn't for them.....and that is totally cool as long as they don't try to stop you from being who you really are..... :)

It's funny coming back to this thread now that I'm single, since my previous posts from a while ago I was in a relationship. He still does not have any tattoos, but all I know is I definitely want someone that has a major interest in it.

I guess it's safe to say it's a fetish of mine, since it's a big part of my life...

So the next one to come along it may have to be a requirement :)

Just feels like a waste of time trying to explain this whole culture to a newbie....I think it's a big part of understanding a person on a fundamental level to begin with, and if you gotta explain it's a little draining...

I never really thought about being as heavily covered as I am......so make sure he really is okay with it doll just in case you decide you want to add more and more in the future!

There are plenty of people who are totally fine with tattoos BUT it just isn't for them.....and that is totally cool as long as they don't try to stop you from being who you really are..... :)

I don't think it's a relationship-ender for him, honestly...he has known that I'm pretty much going to do what I want to for a while now :rolleyes:

I don't think it's a relationship-ender for him, honestly...he has known that I'm pretty much going to do what I want to for a while now :rolleyes:

That's good to hear!

I know several couples who have totally different interests and seem to go off in their own separate directions to pursue those interests who have very strong, loving, and long term relationships! :)

I've been with my partner for 17 years. He has no tattoos and no desire to get any. He really likes my tattoos and is very supportive of me with getting more, so I'm pretty lucky in that regard as I've only started to get serious about tattooing my body last year. I would love it if he decided to get tattoos and we would embark on this journey together but I respect his decision. I did manage to drag him along to the Rites of Passage tattoo festival last weekend and he was pretty amazed at what he saw, so all in all I think I'm pretty fortunate that he has taken it so well! None of my girlfriends (or even male friends) are interested in tattoos so I do feel like I'm very alone and would love to have someone I could share this with. One of the main reasons I joined this forum really.

I've been with my partner for 17 years. He has no tattoos and no desire to get any. He really likes my tattoos and is very supportive of me with getting more, so I'm pretty lucky in that regard as I've only started to get serious about tattooing my body last year. I would love it if he decided to get tattoos and we would embark on this journey together but I respect his decision. I did manage to drag him along to the Rites of Passage tattoo festival last weekend and he was pretty amazed at what he saw, so all in all I think I'm pretty fortunate that he has taken it so well! None of my girlfriends (or even male friends) are interested in tattoos so I do feel like I'm very alone and would love to have someone I could share this with. One of the main reasons I joined this forum really.

I think it is nice to be able to share a passion with a loved one. My ex wife and ex fiancee, they weren't into it at all. My wife likes them though and goes along with what I want to do. Now she's battling cancer and I really hope she gets better and sticks around for a long time. After 30 years... I can't envision starting over with anyone else.


My wife to be isn't tattooed at all. I was barely tattooed when we met and now that I've taken such an interest in studying tattoos and getting tattoos, I still don't mind that she doesn't have tattoos or has no interest in tattoos. That's fine with me. She has many other redeeming qualities about her. It kind of makes tattooing even more personal for me. I have posted on another thread that I don't really find tattooed women more or less attractive than women who aren't tattooed.

I am very attracted to tattoos - they catch my eye first and immediately - and if they're good tattoos my brain melts a little and my heart starts racing and this is all before I've even made contact...so you can imagine...I don't talk to a lot of tattooed people...(hahaha cackle...it's only partly true! Can be super awkward...)

In any event - I would LOVE it if tattoos were something I could share with a partner. I love them. I love looking at them. (Don't know about you guys but I definitely look at my own tattoos a lot...is that a weird thing to admit??)

I've never dated anyone with any kind of tattoos at all. I've dated guys who have given me shit about the tattoos (obvs they don't last long) and guys who were clearly into the fact that I had tattoos but they did not have them themselves, which was fine but incomplete for me.

Tattoos aren't a must, but are something I would like to share with a partner in the future for sure.

My parents set me up with a lot of conservative types (when I am visiting them in OK) who are decidedly NOT into tattoos, are definitely the type who think they are trashy etc. I tend to stay covered at home regardless because of the negative attention I receive - though there are certainly more tattoos in Oklahoma than when I left 8 years ago - but still get a lot of negative looks, creepy comments etc when they are showing.

So what I'm waiting for is the big reveal - on a date with some guy who seems maybe like not my type blah blah blah we get along, there a few more dates and then BOOM there is a moment of discovery where both of our heavily tattooed bodies are revealed!!! (Not necessarily THAT moment...I'm just saying....). Haha so basically I get myself through all these obligatory parent-lead dates by pretending the man I'm speaking to has an incredible Filip Leu (Or whoever - insert your fav artist here) body suit underneath whatever he's wearing.

Hmm. I'm going to write that movie...

@Colored Guy I'm sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. I hope you two have many more years together.

@beez Hell Yes! Tattoos on guys are extremely attractive to me too. I've never dated anyone with tattoos as I got together with my partner in my late teens, but I imagine if I did I would want to look at them all the time. I look at my tattoos all the time, I never get sick of it. This may be a bit Too Much Info but my bathroom breaks are significantly longer as I end up staring at my lady head on my thigh. This is only going to get worse as my legs fill up over time, haha! I just get a profound sense of "rightness" (is that a word?) looking at my tattoos. It makes me feel incredibly happy.

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