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I always seem to end up with non tattooed girls for some reason! Current girlfriend of 18 months has one tiny one but is open to idea of more and is supportive of me getting more, although she was initially freaked out by my neck plans. She's since come around to the idea. Previous non tattooed girlfriends really didn't seem to "get it".

  • 8 months later...

Had a nice little fight with the GF this morning about my tattoo session tomorrow.

First a little background...she spent the weekend in Red River with a bunch of people she knows for the motorcycle rally there. I wasnt exactly thrilled about watching my GF ride off to another state on the back of some other guys bike (really nice guy, not worried about cheating or anything, just felt...weird). We had a fight about it last month, and I realized I was just being a selfish, jealous whiner. I really didnt want her to go, but we are both adults, I trust her...so..off she goes for the weekend while I had to stay in Denver (previous commitment).

Anyhoo...she asks what I am having tattoed tomorrow "Skulls" I reply. She gets PISSED. Leaves the room. Comes back in 10 minutes saying, "I cant believe you are getting a skull (bad time to point out skullS I think). I dont like it at all. I hope you dont expect me to like it or talk about it or ANYTHING". I'm thinking, damn, thats awfully republican of her...and I'm thinking, she didnt give a fuck what I thought about her going on a 4 day weekend with bikers out of state, and now shes bitching about a SKULL tattoo? And really, bottom line is, I dont give a fuck about what anyone thinks about my tattoos except me.

I cant wait to get tattooed tomorrow. :cool:

Thankfully, my girlfriend rules and loves tattoos as well. We have already traveled to Philly, NY, RVA, Chicago so far this year to get tattooed together, and are planning on going to the Cleveland Convention in July and hopefully Boston in August!

I am tattooed, my wife has a couple now. She only had one when we met. I had both arm/sleeves, palm, upper back, and feet. I maybe be heavily tattooed. My wife does not have the same passion and wishes i was not heavily tattooed or would get anymore. You don't have to have the same interest. I never was really into women that were tattooed either. So, I have four more appointments this year and I am done.

Oh and I worked in a tattoo shop when I met my wife.

Had a nice little fight with the GF this morning about my tattoo session tomorrow.

I cant wait to get tattooed tomorrow. :cool:

"Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned..." :P

My partner is totally indifferent to tattoos. No interest in getting any, doesn't care what I get. He does occasionally marvel at how much money I'm willing to spend on them, but other than that it's a non-issue. 5+ years together, so I think we've got that one sorted.

We probably look a bit strange as a couple, though...

Great topic! I'm heavily inked. I had 4 large pieces on me when I met my wife back in 1981... she had no prior ink experience, her family was a tad freaked though. They still are to an extent, some real stick-up-the-ass people there. I got back into it in 2005 and she's had no problem with it until recently. Probably more of a $$ thing than anything else. I had some old work done over, covered up and new work too. I put away a few bucks here and there and take nothing out of the household, so I wait if I have to for my next ink fix. She knows its more than just the ink.. a lifestyle for sure. I'm after her to get something, but she's resisting. One of these days she's gonna crack.


My wife got totally weird about me getting other ladies tattooed on me once she got pregnant. At first it bothered me, but I realize when we first got together she was the type of girl who would drag me to a strip club even when I didn't particularly want to go. At some point she must have decided she actually likes me and doesn't want to share me, I know it's a little weird and it bugs me at times, but on the other side of the coin, she is really patient of my long hours at the shop and impromptu tattoo appointments. In fact last night I went down to Atlas to chat with Dan Gilsdorf while he was in town to see if he could squeeze me the next time he comes back to portland for a couple of days. We figured it out, but he shared with me the fact that he was only this busy in Portland and if I came down to Oakland he could tattoo me this week. I wish I could be that spontaneous, but I need a little more time to plan. But anyway just mentioned how crazy the idea would be and not only wasn't she mad, she was looking up air fare. She knows I have been putting off my bay area trip to get tattooed to buy this house, so that is appreciated. I can't say she has never flicked me shit about a tattoo, but I think she has learned to pick her battles as well.

My wife got totally weird about me getting other ladies tattooed on me once she got pregnant.

Funny dude, when I got a lady head tattoo my wife would always ask, "Who is she?!" as a joke but I think it actually kinda bothered her in a weird way. Doesn't any more, at least I don't think..

@cfgsteak I've been in a similar situation, not about the subject matter but just the frequency I used to get tattooed. After talking through it -- and this issue has come up with different ladies -- it always turned out they were sort of threatened by this nebulous "thing" I was into possibly more than them. Didn't ever stop me, but made me treat it differently and eventually it stopped being a problem. Now, my wife talks about getting tattooed more than I do.

@gougetheeyes - how did you treat it differently? I'm curious. I think that there might be something to the frequency involved here as well...

On a side note, I thought about caving and going with something besides a skull on the front of my shoulder...a ladyhead. *facepalm*

All skulls don't have to be evil looking. Maybe that's what she's scared of?

I brought ink into our marriage, so no complaints from my wife about new ink - even now that the new ones are starting to become more visible in public. I think she (and her family) would not be so inclined to be understanding if it was shitty artwork I was displaying . . .

I went to law school and during my time there, I was one of 3 people at the law school with a ton of tattoos. Most people I end up dating are pretty clean-cut, especially since my social circle tends to be lawyers. I think I only ever dated one person ever with any tattoos, and he only had one.

One of my thigh pieces has a contingent of military men and a nurse all wearing gas masks. I told my tattoo artist that I think I had significantly reduced my dating pool. He told me that I probably didn't want to be dating anyone who didn't like my tattoos anyway. Probably true.

I'd like to agree that skulls don't have to be evil looking.

@gougetheeyes - how did you treat it differently? I'm curious. I think that there might be something to the frequency involved here as well...

On a side note, I thought about caving and going with something besides a skull on the front of my shoulder...a ladyhead. *facepalm*

I just didn't talk about it as much so when I went to get tattooed I'd just say, "Hey, next week I'm going to get tattooed, just a heads up," and that was that. A lot less, "I'm gonna do this, and this, and that, and maybe go here, etc." I was starting to annoy myself anyway. But get what you get man, don't cave. If your lady is going to take issue with your tattoos it's time for a serious conversation. Communication is pretty key. As long as you're not spending your rent money on tattoos (guilty) or forgoing groceries for tattoos (ok, also guilty) you should be able to talk about why it's bothering her. Who knows, maybe she's just waiting for you to say, "Hey, come with me and get something!"

When I met my husband I didn't have any tattoos, although it was always something that interested me. Before we got married I stared getting tattooed. He really does not like me having tattoos but it has now become a massive part of my life and it's hard to get him to understand how important it is to me. It's difficult because I can understand that if you do not like tattoos it really does change your outward appearence and I feel torn between pursuing my interest (i'd go so far as to say passion) or falling out with my husband. So far I have been gently pushing my limits and just gradually adding new additions over time, I am by no means heavily tattooed although I dread the day when he turns round and says enough is enough - I really don't think I could ever promise to not have any more tattoos, it would be heartbreaking. I am hoping that he is mellowing over time and gradually coming round to the idea that this is something I love.

It's interesting to hear everyone else's ideas and thoughts on their relationships past and present. For me if a guy had tattoos it would be a plus but on the other hand my husband has no tattoos and I love him more than anything and could never imagine being with anyone else. I think the most important thing for me is the person on the inside. :)

Also @cfgsteak, it's important to have quality time. Go out for a date night, do something together (that's not at a tattoo shop).. your hobbies/obsessions/professions can easily take over that. For me, it was a simple fix to just show her that no, I don't love tattoos more than you and no, I'm happy to spend time with you, too.

@gougetheeyes cool man. I am actually doing what you are now. I really think it is the skull image that freaks her out. We are both tattooed, have been tattooed together...I think she really hates skulls. She lightened up a little today, but I know it is bothering her.


Yeah, you're not gonna win 'em all. I have an Oiwa head that my wife hates. Came home with it, super stoked on it and she said she hated it and it was gross.. which took the wind outta my sails pretty quick but I still love it and even though she'll still mention it every summer when the shorts come out, I've gotten enough other stuff around it to sort of temper that. Oh well, she still married me :cool:

Yeah, you're not gonna win 'em all. I have an Oiwa head that my wife hates. Came home with it, super stoked on it and she said she hated it and it was gross.. which took the wind outta my sails pretty quick but I still love it and even though she'll still mention it every summer when the shorts come out, I've gotten enough other stuff around it to sort of temper that. Oh well, she still married me :cool:

LOL, cool...I think the problem is that I want it on the front of my shoulder...which is an area she will see when we are making sweet sweet love (I laughed while I typed that, in my defense)...hmmmm. I think that is part of the issue as well.

I should be interesting to see what I end up with today. I totally appreciate your input man.

The tiger is colored...my guy has been traveling. The snake needs to be done. I need a few more sessions...it hurts though! Lol

I finally decided that I didn't want my gf dealing with looking at an image she was freaky about, so I got the skull on the back of my shoulder and a nice little rose on the front of the shoulder. I like the rose a lot. The skull is badass.

I went to law school and during my time there, I was one of 3 people at the law school with a ton of tattoos. Most people I end up dating are pretty clean-cut, especially since my social circle tends to be lawyers. I think I only ever dated one person ever with any tattoos, and he only had one.

Hello fellow tattooed lawyer! Hey at least you had 2 other people in law school!

Back to relationships - I don't think it matters w/r my partner has tattoos or wants them, so long as she gets why I do and doesn't say or think dumb things about them. Basically, a tattoo-educated person. My girlfriend had a large tattoo before we got together and she wants to keep going large, but our basic disagreements now are about colour or black/grey. I'm trying to move away from too much colour and she loves the stuff!

Hello fellow tattooed lawyer! Hey at least you had 2 other people in law school!

Hey there! Yes, I have to say, it's rare. Or at least, I don't know of the tattooed lawyers. Perhaps they're hiding them under their suits. I did hear that they published a book of tattooed criminal lawyers here, but the tattoos seemed.... Well. I'll let that go unfinished, as I'm in this legal community.

Making the case for tattoos

No offense to them. It's awesome that they did that.

It's true, though. At least we had we 3 in our law school. I'm still really good friends with one of them from my law school.

Hey there! Yes, I have to say, it's rare. Or at least, I don't know of the tattooed lawyers. Perhaps they're hiding them under their suits. I did hear that they published a book of tattooed criminal lawyers here, but the tattoos seemed.... Well. I'll let that go unfinished, as I'm in this legal community.

Making the case for tattoos

No offense to them. It's awesome that they did that.

It's true, though. At least we had we 3 in our law school. I'm still really good friends with one of them from my law school.

As a tattooed lawyer I must say I have quite a few lawyer friends who are tattooed. That being said very few of them are heavily tattooed and all of them hide it under suits including me. Now back to the actual topic of this thread, my wife has two small tattoos and supports me and my efforts in becoming heavily tattooed. In fact recently she is becoming bit by the tattoo bug and is going to start a half sleeve at the SOG convention if the booking comes through.

As a tattooed lawyer I must say I have quite a few lawyer friends who are tattooed. That being said very few of them are heavily tattooed and all of them hide it under suits including me.

Yes, I was talking about it being rare to be heavily tattooed in the legal community. I know a lot of lawyers with one or two smaller tattoos. There's quite the "tattooed lawyer community" here if they were able to publish a book about it with just defense lawyer tattoos. But I only know of my 2 friends and I who are heavily tattooed. My one friend had full sleeves while my other did as well. She also just got her head tattooed. I would guess that's rare, but like that one article suggests, you never know what's hiding under not only suits, but judicial robes. I'd like to think there are a few others hiding some amazing artwork besides the 3 of us in our legal community. Anyway, I'd try not to derail this topic too much, but I've got nothing left on relationships.

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