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I had a tribal design on my hand that I was never very happy with how the color came out. So I decided to do some different coloring and experiment with color contrast. I like it, just want to hear some opinions. Take a look, here is a before and after. The blue is the before pic.

@SeeSea, you don't have to be sorry. Everyone is perfectly entitled to their own opinions. I guess I just got bored with the color. It has been gone over several times, and the blue was always much lighter than I wanted. I decided to change it up and go a different route. Every tattoo isn't for everybody, so it's cool if you don't care for the new colors.
  BLHellcat said:
I definitely prefer the blue. But that has nothing really to do with the colours. I think I would be more likely to warm up to the darker tattoo once I see a picture that looks healed.

I kinda agree in a way. Don't get me wrong, I like the new colors MUCH better than the old. Here is the only thing. My artist doesn't have a good quality deep red, at least according to her it comes out looking brown and that's no good. So she mixed dried blood (the color, not actual dried blood lol) with her regular red, and it came out darker than I expected. Right now it looks purple, but I'm expecting it to lighten some when it heals. Even if it doesn't, I'm still happy with it but it might have better contrast if it does lighten a bit. Either way, I'm good. Mainly I was looking for opinions on the color contrast itself and whether it "pops" in a good way, not which one looks "better". Perhaps I should have been more specific. I do still appreciate the comments given so far, though. At least I know some people are paying attention to me :D

  Matthew Thomas said:
So she mixed dried blood (the color, not actual dried blood lol) with her regular red,

Even though I was 99.9% sure that was what you meant, I still got a little nervous reading that at first. Haha.

So let me get this straight. Making a joke makes me a troll. When I call people out for disrespecting me, that makes me a troll too? You know, a lot of gay men will make fun and call others gay because they are too scared to come out of the closet. Maybe that's sort of what's going on here? The troll calling the kettle black?

I don't have the fucking patience to deal with this shit. Just fucking ban me and get it over with.

- - - Updated - - -

Just fucking know that you can tell people whatever you want about why I got banned (if anybody even fucking cares, which I doubt and don't give a fuck anyway), but the truth is I'm leaving on my own terms cause I don't want to be a part of your shitty little clubhouse anymore. Fuck all your bullshit about what makes a "good" tattoo. I don't need a fucking forum to tell me my tattoos are shitty. I'm a fucking troll. Well guess what, motherfuckers? You couldn't cross my bridge with enough money to pay the toll ten times over.

- - - Updated - - -

Holy fuck, why am I not banned yet? Must I resort to childish name calling?

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