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Tattoo Style Decision Tree to help decide in what Tattoo Style to proceed in...

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First of all this topic of discussion is the Tattoo Style decision tree.

I presented this Tattoo Style Decision Tree, for discussion no different then showing a picture of a Filip Lue Full body suit tattoo to talk about and discuss. Constructive criticism was expected, not this bullshit.

I personally think it is a great idea to help newbees and newcomers and even the experienced to understand the difference in tattoo styles. I know it really helped me. Not everyone wants Oldschool Illustration designs, this is 2014 and there is a lot on the menu, for what is available as tattoo art, so this is a great tool to help people define what they want and then find the right artist to apply it. Not many years ago there were no options regarding Tattoo styles, now there are many.

I have never seen anyone else try this method of client education and I think they deserve respect and credit for giving it a go despite minor grammatical or spelling issues. If you feel strongly enough about it, write to them and provide your cleaned up version and they may make the changes that makes everyone happy.

Any criticisms of the authors website is completely off topic and should be directed at them which again has nothing to the do with the Tattoo decision tree, why are you even talking about this?

I am disgusted at all the ad hominum attacks that are occurring here. Attacking the person who is saying something is not constructive to a dialogue on a subject. What I do in my personal life is none of your fucking business, I am here to discuss tattoos and related subjects not justify my points of view by collateral information which is off topic.

Accusing the authors of this Tattoo decision tree of anything that you know nothing about is shameful. There are group of shitty local Tattooers in the area who have created a campaign to discredit and destroy the reputation of the Halifax Tattoo Machine because they (the shitty Tattooers) cannot compete where it counts, which is providing quality Tattoo work, so instead they started a campaign of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment. They are accusing the Halifax Tattoo Machine of fraud because the Halifax Tattoo Machine requires a deposit before beginning custom Tattoo designs and they use pseudonyms. Nothing more. So if requesting a deposit before beginning hours of design for a tattoo project is fraud (which it is not) then any custom tattooer with self respect is equally guilty. Secondly there is nothing wrong with using a pseudonym, if so Grime and Bugs and many others would be guilty of Fraud also.

If you do not know what cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment, libel, slander and a pseudonym is then follow this link:

Cyberstalking – Cyberharassment – Cyberbullying | HFX Tattoo Monster(s) – The Cyberbullying Gang

There is no substance to these false accusations.

I could pick any one of you and accuse you of being a violent convicted Rapist and Child molester, that does not make it so, I could post all over the internet on Facebook, Twitter, Google Forums, this forum and 20 other places and it still does not make a false accusation any more true, despite the Google search which would pull up those results. You should be ashamed of yourselves and remove your damaging libelous comments.

Have any one of you been personally a victim of fraud from these people? if not then Fuck Off and remove your comments.

Scott Sylvia himself was the victim of a slanderous article in Skin and Ink Magazine, which damaged his personal and professional reputation, which is one of the reasons this forum exists today. Despite claiming to be innocent of the false quotes, to this day people avoid the poor guy and won't associate with him despite his innocence.

Spreading slanderous false accusations against a professional, especially in this field is inexcusable, and has long lasting damaging consequences.

I have respect for people who take action and actually do something to further education in the Tattoo Scene, after all isn't the goal of this forum to promote good tattooing. How does it make any sense to attack an educational tool which can do just that, educate regarding Tattoo? It makes even less sense to attack the authors of a Tattoo Education Tool.

If you are to far advanced to make use of the Tattoo Style Decision Tree then move on, if you can make use of it then great.

There is a lot of hypocrisy going on here and I am calling it.

So if requesting a deposit before beginning hours of design for a tattoo project is fraud (which it is not) then any custom tattooer with self respect is equally guilty.
No tattoo shop with self respect refuses to post any of the shop's own work on their website.
You should be ashamed of yourselves and remove your damaging libelous comments.
No thanks.
if not then Fuck Off and remove your comments.

Is no one selling tattoo magazines anymore? I remember that they used to be filled with a pretty diverse array of styles in each issue.

Has the intervebs finally ruined any sense of adventure for the masses?

hi @Victor! that tattoo trees is shit. everything about it is stupid. am i an internet bully now? no i have an opinion.

LST is for good tattoos and good tattooing. not for dumbing people down with that bullshit tree thing.

oh, did i mention that tattoo tree is pure shit? i did did i?

We're like the 4Chan of tattoos y'all!

?? swing away mods... And for the record @Victor, questioning the source of any information to assess it's credibility is a standard part of academic study. This is not Tattoo U but I'm happy for a standard to be maintained. Go internet.

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