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Are there way too many tattoos, especially on women? The body is not a mural. What's wrong with these warped pieces of garbage that they don't have any concept of what it means to be a living being? You're not a billboard that rents space for pictures of snakes and crossbones.

Yes, definitely waaay too many tattoos. Living beings should never be marked by the ravages of time, their environment, circumstance or human intervention!

Won't somebody PLEASE think of The Children!

@lastjohn, thank you for being a thoughtful and sensitive human being and for posting such an insightful -- dare I say, brilliant comment. We need more people like you on this forum, and by that I mean people who are not by any means moronic trolls.

I find the OP incredibly rude, disrespectful and completely lacking any social skills. Walk up to one of these women that you see with "way too many tattoos" and tell them they are "warped pieces of garbage" with "no sense of what it means to be a living being". I will bet you my next tattoo that you'll get punched in the face. If you have any tattoos, I'm sure you chose them for a reason and wouldn't care if someone were to judge them. So why judge others? They don't give a shit what you think, nor should they. Even if I sometimes don't like the way a person's tattoos may look to me, I don't judge them because I've no right to do so. It's their body, and regardless of what you think, they're going to do as they please with it. Might as well accept it and move on, because the only person your negativity is having any effect on is yourself.

Are there way too many feathers, especially on ducks? The body is not a pillow. What's wrong with these warped pieces of poultry that they don't have any concept of what it means to be a living bird? You're not an eagle that rents grass for piles of snakes and crossbones.

how many is too many ? If each one has meaning to the person and they are well executed why not.

* in retrospect ya gonna go with troll......this seems like a strange place for a tattoo gender specific minimalist to show up.....yes i just made that term up :)

This post is awesome!!!!!!

I feel like it's 1987 again.......when this was the general consensus of 85% of the population!

Ahhhhh.....the good old days....how I miss them!

It's good to know there are still people out there that haven't been swayed into thinking tattoos are acceptable by the media!

Thank you for the post! ;)

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