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Not sure if there's any other Midwesterners here? Just got curious about conventions this afternoon and started looking around. One in Minnesota was yesterday so that's out! This is in a few weeks, so not sure if husband is on duty that weekend or not, but it's not that far away, which I like. Best of the Midwest Tattoo Convention | Presented by Shane ONeill Productions

I don't know anything about tattoo conventions but it sounds fun. Lord knows I spend more than enough time googling and looking on pinterest and here at pictures, would be nice to see some in person. Is anyone familiar w/any of the shops that will be there, and have any thoughts on them? I know who that London guy is from watching some of that show, and when I first came here, a member sent me some links to some shops in my area and there's like three of them that will be there. (Liquid Courage, Black Squirrel, Grinn and Barrett)

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Oh hey, thanks for the links! I really like that Mecca Tattoo. It's not horribly far away...farther away than the convention, tho, figures. I looked at some of the first rows of links on the convention page but hadn't gotten far enough to see those, so thank you!

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