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Pardon the naivety and the rhetorical question, but how does anyone get through the sore/swollen healing stage of an ass tattoo? I'm a side sleeper and had a hard time not rolling onto my arm, but presumably you can't choose to not sit...

First and second day are probably the most tough as you're still swollen. I had to basically force myself to sleep on my stomach which is hard and tiring to do over the course of several nights. I usually call in sick or take a couple vacation days off from work. Spend the day mostly on my stomach or on my feet. By the third day I'm generally good to go to sit down, though gingerly.

I've had several sessions on my back, ass and back of thighs now which I've gotten use to it oddly enough.

Thanks all. It was a tough session and it always perks me up to get your compliments, haha.

I'd say the worst part about sitting is the actual action of either sitting down or standing up. Like ironchef says, the spot gets pretty swollen so, to me, the constant pressure while sitting is comfortable

I'd say the worst part about sitting is the actual action of either sitting down or standing up. Like ironchef says, the spot gets pretty swollen so, to me, the constant pressure while sitting is comfortable

When I got tattooed this summer the artist had just gotten that area tattooed. She said sitting wasn't the issue, it was standing up when everything would shift back... I can't imagine what that feels like haha

Thanks all. It was a tough session and it always perks me up to get your compliments, haha.

I'd say the worst part about sitting is the actual action of either sitting down or standing up. Like ironchef says, the spot gets pretty swollen so, to me, the constant pressure while sitting is comfortable

How many hours are you into your back piece now mate?

How many hours are you into your back piece now mate?

Hmm, well I've been going at a steady clip with 1 session a month since last May. Average session maybe about ~5ish hours. I'd guess I'm about 40 hours in. It's all that black! Really all that is left is 2 little strips on my hamstring of wind bar, then ALL color and touch ups. Dana says color sessions fly by, so even though it looks there is still a ton left, he doesn't think it will take long.

Here's a fully of the progress so far, not just butt teasers from Dana's Instagram (though no one was complaining.....). I had a little fun and struck my best rear "relaxed" pose from my bodybuilding days. My internet personality is way more interesting than in real life. But hey, we're all just in it for the "likes" anyhow, amirite?! :cool:

Final session on my back with Rubendall today. It's bittersweet. So happy to have this portion of my back finished but will miss the fun times with Rubendall. Great gentleman, incredible artist and shrewd businessman. The complete ball of wax and then some. I still have some appointments booked and I'm thinking about starting something new with him. Henning will top things off end of this year when he'll be visiting and doing his usual guest spot at Kings Ave! Enjoy the pics!

Eyes, spine, and the orb/pearl


Filled in some more flame work as well


Rubendall said when after the orb/pearl is full healed, it'll lighten up to a bit of an iridescent affect.


Full moon close-up :o


@ironchef that is one hell of a tattoo, truly mindbowing I cant wait to see it finished

- - - Updated - - -

Valerie just finished my back, just short of a year, maybe 40 hours, its been a ride and I've loved every minute, well apart from the love handles, that sucked :D


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