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Pictures from my second and third sittings. My tattooist thinks we'll have it done in 7. Thank dog. The itchiness is killing me!



Hello friends. It's been a while since I've posted, as it had been a while since I've been tattooed. That ended today with the first sit on my back piece.

Overall, I'd say it wasn't as awful as I expected, but certain areas were downright painful. Notably the bum. Next sit isn't for 9 weeks, so I've got time to mentally prepare myself for more pain.


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@idyllsend WOW! that is really beautiful. I can't wait to see that finished.

Here are a few pics from my last session with Chad K. We are essentially finished but he does want to do one more session in November for some touch ups and stuff. For all intensive purposes though, here is my finished back! I am so stoked!!! It is so vibrant and bold and I think you can read the image from a few miles away :)

Chad put in some really neat little details in this last session. Not sure they will be visible in these "just finished" pics, but I will try to remember to post a healed pic. He did some really cool things with the tongue and the teeth that I am pretty pumped with.. LOVE the eyes as well. I am super grateful.


attaching pics from gallery as that seems to be the only way for me to edit them from being sideways. If they look sideways at first, just click the pic and it should right itself.

finished_chad_k_back_piece_2_thumb.jpg finished_chad_k_backpiece_thumb.jpg

ALL of you with the FBPs just torture me. So awesome and clean. Each must have spent a lot of time researching just the right artist, because placement, size, arrangement, texture - all of it fits your individual physiques so perfectly! Or, as we say around here: Ya'll done good!

@idyllsend WOW! that is really beautiful. I can't wait to see that finished.

Here are a few pics from my last session with Chad K. We are essentially finished but he does want to do one more session in November for some touch ups and stuff. For all intensive purposes though, here is my finished back! I am so stoked!!! It is so vibrant and bold and I think you can read the image from a few miles away :)

Chad put in some really neat little details in this last session. Not sure they will be visible in these "just finished" pics, but I will try to remember to post a healed pic. He did some really cool things with the tongue and the teeth that I am pretty pumped with.. LOVE the eyes as well. I am super grateful.


attaching pics from gallery as that seems to be the only way for me to edit them from being sideways. If they look sideways at first, just click the pic and it should right itself.

finished_chad_k_back_piece_2_thumb.jpg finished_chad_k_backpiece_thumb.jpg

Love it mate ! so good...congrats !

Okay, fine. Here's the latest progress.


Holy shit. That looks so good. And so fast, well it seemed fast, ha.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm a shitty forum user. I find I only lurk the backpiece thread(s) with any kind of regularity. I should work on that.

Anyways, latest sit after 2 months off for traveling and enjoying summer adventures.

Started colour! Super pumped about that. Also, any sit above the waist is a good one. Have an appointment every month from now until December. Hoping to have it done then which would mean it took a year for everything shoulders to knees. Fingers crossed.

Sorta off topic, but a guy was at the shop near the end of my sit. Heavily covered (only a patch bare on torso) and kinda shooting the shit. He asked if I was going to do my front. I replied with a fuck no (keep in mind, this is at the end of my sit, ha). He said finishing your back is kind of bittersweet and said he'd put money on it I do my front, ha. We shall see. I can't imagine being sad to be done. But I do plan to finish off my arms, legs, and front of thighs eventually.


@DeathB4Decaf Thanks! Mine has seemed fast in some respects, but not in others. Prior to this the largest tattoo I had was my arm which was done in a swift 20-ish hours, and 20 hours on my back wasn't even close. It's such a huge space.

I love how yours is looking, the concept and the execution are both so great. You mentioned before that you were going to get some work done on it at the Montreal convention, are you still planning on that?

Sorry - I gotta double post - this is over in http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/15-latest-tattoo-lowdown-page810.html#post119681

Final healed pics! Finished a photo shoot last month so I FINALLY have great shots. Ready to enter the contest!

Many of my underwater photographs designed into this awesome scene by Sean Zee Instagram


So beautiful! @SeeSea one of those pieces where you can find something new each time you look at it. I admire your commitment on this. It couldn't have been easy. Came out superb!

Thanks, @Rob I, that's what a lot of folks say. We joked that I should hidden Waldo in there somewhere! Yeah, it was a hell of a haul alright Glad I only have one back. :D

No I have not died, just been extremely tardy/slack in posting updates to LST.

I am finally happy to say my Backpiece is finished.

We did the final session last week and it was almost a bitter/sweet session. Still trying to deal with the reality of finishing it. It has taken roughly 18 months(we started in late Feb 2014 and finished late Aug 2015) Initially not only was I booking in tattoo appointments but I was also juggling the laser removal/lightening of 3 seperate pieces on my back/thigh. There were some fun times in the early days planning enough healing days between removal and addition. :) While I am happy not to have to take days off work, travel around 6 hours and spend another week after the session healing, I will miss the sessions. I initially said my Backpiece will be my last tattoo. I then said I will take a year off from tattooing and look into more work.

Even after just 1 week of being finished my back I am already developing plans and looking at ideas/designs to continue to the front. I daresay after summer I will be booking a consult to start the front.

Whoever said that tattooing is addictive was 150% correct.

@Cork I love that post you did of the progress of your back. I am tempted to do the same. Was great to see in 1 post the progression of your back.



- - - Updated - - -

Sorta off topic, but a guy was at the shop near the end of my sit. Heavily covered (only a patch bare on torso) and kinda shooting the shit. He asked if I was going to do my front. I replied with a fuck no (keep in mind, this is at the end of my sit, ha). He said finishing your back is kind of bittersweet and said he'd put money on it I do my front, ha. We shall see. I can't imagine being sad to be done. But I do plan to finish off my arms, legs, and front of thighs eventually.

That's gold, I think he is right. I thought my back was my last piece of work but about 1 week later after finishing my back I am already looking at designs to do on my front. I had always thought I don't have the pain tolerance to do my front. I am now thinking that I got through my whole back, the front can't be much worse. :)


@Shaggy I remember you posting about how difficult the process was, but it was clearly more than worth it because that is a spectacular tattoo. Good luck on getting your torso done. I'm a week away from the final session on my back, and other than a couple of small things, I think my torso will be next also. My chest is looking really bare these days.

@Graeme, Thanks mate, I am extremely happy with how it turned out. There were some horrible spots but we got through them all. I also was lucky enough to have to deal with a decent amount of areas that had laser removal. Some areas took 3 times being tattooed before Kian was happy with the colour saturation, mainly in the snakes head and upper body.

I have to admit the final design that we based it on was a bit of a last minute change of ideas. I had been looking into Hanya mask designs, foo dogs and also a big ass tigers :) but then found a print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi that i loved and he was keen to do so I sort of said screw it lets do that. We changed it slightly rather than just being a direct copy.

Kuniyoshi, Matsui Tamijiro fighting a giant snake

Looking forward to seeing yours finished as doing a tiger based backpiece was a front runner for quite a while.

I know what you mean about the front being bare. I have 2 chest panels which I was happy with till the back was finished. Now I want the front covered as well. After that legs to the ankles and we are done. Not sure what I will do once all that is done. Maybe just kick back and enjoy the awesome art. :)

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