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Hello my name is Meagen, I am from Jacksonville, Fl. I currently do tattoo's out of the home, but I really hope to get an apprenticeship soon, and my dream since I was a little kid and saw my first tattoo(that I can remember)was to own a tattoo shop, and employ only the best artist's. I remember drawing the most amazing pictures throughout my childhood and teen's, and the year my ol' man got me a tattoo machine was the year I realized I was so born to do this. I really hope to get some good advice and support on my road to becoming a shop owner on this site. Cause it may take some time, but I will do it! :o Thank you, and it is nice to meet all of you.

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I don't believe you because anybody who actually spent some time here, watched the interview videos, read the threads and so on, wouldn't then start an account saying that they're butchering people out of their kitchens but that they hope this place can help them fulfill their tattoo dreams. Stop tattooing.

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I am very sterile and I do great work also I have proper equipment. How can you judge what you have not seen? I may not have a shop yet but I follow osia standard regardless....I am also about to be an apprentice...

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also I never asked for help fulfilling it. I can do that on my own. I just wanted support and advice along the way

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I am very sterile and I do great work also I have proper equipment. How can you judge what you have not seen? I may not have a shop yet but I follow osia standard regardless....I am also about to be an apprentice...

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also I never asked for help fulfilling it. I can do that on my own. I just wanted support and advice along the way

I'm not a tattooer but I think a great way to learn and progress is to get tattooed by amazing artist.

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I can understand, I'm a sensitive girl though even when I expect something I end up taking it to heart lol thank you for being welcoming. Hopefully in the next 2 ta 3 weeks I can get my camera working and my new tattoo supplies mailed in and gain some respect among the people here. ^^ also yea I have met some bad at home artists(1 in specific)I am currently doing a BUNCH of cover up's for people who went to him in the past, they all seem to love my work.

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Who have you been tattooed by? Which contemporary tattooers do you like these days? Which tattooers from the past do you look up to?

It's 2013. There is no reason to tattoo out of your home. If you can't get an apprenticeship from a respectable shop and learn to tattoo the right way, from the start, you shouldn't do it, period.

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I have already said who I look up to as a tattoo artist. and yes there is reasons not to be an apprentice. You do not know anything about me, I have my own reasons for not being able to be an apprentice yet I dont need to blab my problems with the whole world. Also as long as my work comes out good and I am sterile and good at what I am doing, then I think it is fine! I am not just your everyday at home tattoo artist who makes the gun and does crappy work! You guys talk all high and mighty like the room the work is done in and the names you know make you better than me. when really I could tattoo circles around yall!! I thought this site was about good tattoo artist's not "if your not in a shop yet we act stuck up compared to you" It's 2013 why not grow up and respect talent when it is around! Your judging my work when you haven't even seen it yet, When I have stolen customers from peacock's cause I'm good at what I do! I have been told by people who do work in shops that I am good at what I do! I guess nothing I say will matter to any of yall though because as long as I have not been in a shop nothing matters right! I KNOW I am a better artist than most of the people on this site and I WILL own my own shop one day, I will put all of the other shops in this area out of business! So fuck this stupid site!!! (excuse my language I hate to talk like this)

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Ever think I have health problems that keep me out of a shop for the time being?! apparently not!

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I'm ushually a very sweet person but I have been nothing but dawged since I signed up to this stupid site! It's wrong how you treat fellow artists on this site.

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I'm dirt ass poor. a very ill person and the only Joy I get is putting ink on skin, and when I do get spare money I spend it on supplies because that is what I want out of life, but you guys just tear me a new asshole because I work out of the home thats bullshit

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Yall may be "professionals" but yall need to learn respect. Good art does not only come from a shop. I know a lil town nearby me that they only get tattoo's done in the home cause it is so little they do not even have a tattoo shop. So I guess everyone there has crappy tattoos as well.

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I was really struggling to not say anything about this and leave it be but...

I'll be devils advocate here.. while I agree that being a scratcher isn't an ideal way to tattoo to say the least. I've been tattooed by some of the greats in the world . Not going to say who but I'm sure you can guess by the tattoos I got. He was once a at home tattooer. Now he's on of the best in his area... I also know of a particular shop owner who has one of the best shops in NYC that started that way..

While I personally agree that apprenticeship is the best way.. who am i to say that... I'm not a tattooer and also there are a lot of crappy people who tattoo out of shops too. One thing I do agree with is this site is becoming a haven of people who get awesome tattoos that somehow think that means that they are experts in all things tattoo. We are all lucky to get amazing tattoos by these artist but there are people out there that are less fortunate and may not have the exposure to these artist.

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First off, it's hard for us to determine if you are a quality "at home" tattooer since we have yet to see one tattoo. Also, listing a relative and a professional as tattooers you know does not answer the question of who have you been tattooed by and who you aspire to.

Some people may respond negatively, but that is only because this forum is NOT a forum that teaches how to tattoo or discusses the inside of the trade. This is a forum for PROFESSIONAL tattooers and collectors to immerse themselves in the culture. And tattoo culture is in shops and conventions, not any one's home. Yes, many tattooers started tattooing in their homes at a young age, but all of them will admit that it was stupid and where they really learned how to tattoo was through an apprenticeship at a reputable shop. That was also a different time. Yes, it is 2013... Tattooing is way more accepted nowadays and there are shops everywhere.

I urge you to read through the newbie guidelines and watch the interviews. I think bullying you off of this forum is the wrong approach. This forum could open your eyes to the real tattoo culture and help your artwork and ambitions.

Also, I hate to play devil's advocate, but if you have an illness that prevents you from working outside of the home, then tattooing is most likely not for you. Not for the basic fact that you should be working out of a shop (since they are licensed, for one), but also because it is a grueling, fast-paced line of work.

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I was really struggling to not say anything about this and leave it be but...

I'll be devils advocate here.. while I agree that being a scratcher isn't an ideal way to tattoo to say the least. I've been tattooed by some of the greats in the world . Not going to say who but I'm sure you can guess by the tattoos I got. He was once a at home tattooer. Now he's on of the best in his area... I also know of a particular shop owner who has one of the best shops in NYC that started that way..

Most of the well respected people that are interviewed on this site started at home, you have to start somewhere right? That being said you have a very LONG way to go learn some history get tattooed (Inksmith & Rogers is in your town and there one of the best shops in the world) and for fucks sake don't call it a tattoo gun! I respect anyone who will follow their dreams even if it starts out the wrong way, but before you think of owning a shop, you better get in a shop, learn the culture and respect those who came before you.

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Tattooing out of a home 20 or 30 years ago is different than tattooing out of a home now. In many places back then, it was illegal, and if it was legal, there wasn't much to choose from. With thousands upon thousands times as many shops these days, the old "There's no one around" excuse is moot. An hour's drive is no big deal.

Put your equipment away and research, rather than either do poor tattoos, or even if you do decent tattoos with poor habits you'll have to unlearn later, if things come together for you.

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Well said!! It's with most professions that people straight out of school want to be CEOs . That how kids are these days ! When they start working at whatever job they see that it take a lot of hard work and years to be successful. I just feel that it's not really our jobs to say what is correct and not correct since most of us really know nothing about tattooing. Getting tattooed is one thing but having knowledge about the industry can only be told by those who tattoo..

Most of us have the respect for those artist and that's why we get tattooed by them. Let's just leave it at that. Some people watch these show that are on and instantly they think they are experts !!

Most of the well respected people that are interviewed on this site started at home, you have to start somewhere right? That being said you have a very LONG way to go learn some history get tattooed (Inksmith & Rogers is in your town and there one of the best shops in the world) and for fucks sake don't call it a tattoo gun! I respect anyone who will follow their dreams even if it starts out the wrong way, but before you think of owning a shop, you better get in a shop, learn the culture and respect those who came before you.

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