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I wish i could find an image of the tattoos

California church members show faith with tattoos

(09-13) 12:18 PDT Anaheim, Calif. (AP) --

Church logo tattoos are the latest in offbeat testimony at an Orange County church that holds Sunday services in a punk rock nightclub and collects offerings in KFC buckets. City Church of Anaheim is celebrating its first year in operation and the goal of reaching a 200-member flock with a radical commitment to the congregation and community: Tattoos of the red-heart church logo.

Pastor Kyle Steven Bonenberger told worshippers that God "tattooed your name on his heart" and it was time for an everlasting commitment to Him and the church.

The Orange County Register reported about a dozen people got inked, fulfilling the pledge they made if the church doubled its normal attendance.

City Church started in a living room and moved to Anaheim's Chain Reaction Club as the congregation grew.


Information from: The Orange County Register, www.ocregister.com

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/09/13/national/a071850D68.DTL&feed=rss.news#ixzz0zqcKAlmD

Tattoos and cults...history has never seen such thing. Jesus! I wonder if they wear black Nike's and live in a mansion in some rich community as one?

The scary thing is a cult could be similar to a RICO and that's more than two......hmmmmm

What's the difference between a cult, gang, crew, religion, political party, police department, fire department, etc?

Maybe one day we'll have someone from the above crew as a part of LST?

God bless them.

I love this part of the article:

"Pastor Kyle Steven Bonenberger told worshippers that God "tattooed your name on his heart" and it was time for an everlasting commitment to Him and the church."

I wonder who does God's tattoos? Are they also in Orange County? That'd be quite the resume builder!

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